Land Information Memorandum (LIM) Looking to buy a property in the Horowhenua District? Council recommend that you get a LIM Report before finalising the purchase. Find out about LIM Reports here.
Property File Requests Property File Reports can include information found in Horowhenua District Council's records, if it is available. Find out what information can be provided and how to make a request. If you're considering purchasing a property, we highly recommend obtaining a LIM Report.
Development Contributions The key purpose of the Development Contributions Policy is to ensure that growth, and the cost of infrastructure to meet that growth, is funded by those who cause the need for that infrastructure. The development contributions policy explores why development contributions are needed, what they fund, when they need to be paid, and what you’re likely to pay.
Relocated Buildings Relocating a building to a site within in the Horowhenua District may or may not need resource consent. View the Resource Consent requirements here.
Land Development To support growth, we're here to assist businesses to navigate through council process.
Building Fences (includes pools) Pools, spa pools and plastic para-style must all be fenced to comply with the Building (Pools) Amendment Act 2016. Find out your rights and general rules around fences here.
Trees & Vegetation Find out about your rights and responsibilities around trees in the Horowhenua District.
Earthquake-prone Buildings Find out about the changes in legislation relating to earthquake-prone buildings.
Building a Family Flat | Tē Hanga Whare Riki Mō te Whānau If you’re thinking about building a family flat for your ageing parents, extra income, or just need more space for your growing family, our step-by-step guide to building a family flat in a residential zone is here to help you navigate the process.