Your Council

  • 25 October 2023: Council Pools(PDF, 629KB)
    Request for information about how many public pool facilities there are in Horowhenua District Council's control, the maximum number of swimmers allowed in at a time, facility closures and partial closures outside of normal closed days, and the average number of users per day for 2022 and up to September 2023.
  • 24 July 2023: Overseas Employees(PDF, 643KB)
    Request for information about the number of employees working remotely from overseas, outlining the salary grading for the employee and the location from which they're working, the reason why this was granted and whether it was signed off by HR and the employee's manager, and for how long.
  • 3 May 2023: Council positions and salary ranges(PDF, 651KB)
    Request for information about all Council held positions or those vacant and advertised and their salary range, how the salary ranges were determined and when the salaries were last reviewed and increased.
  • 13 March 2023: Expenditure on Mayoral Council cars(PDF, 552KB)
    Request for information about how many cars Horowhenua District Council owns that are used by the Mayor, Chief Executive and any other members of the Executive Leadership; how many times Council has rented cars for any elected members in the year to date; and purchasing, leasing, maintenance, fuel or any other related costs for each of the answers.
  • 1 February 2023: Citizenship Ceremony Process(PDF, 586KB)
    Request for information about how citizenship ceremonies are run across the Horowhenua District (by Council staff / privately organised etc), as well as a list of all citizenship ceremonies which have taken place in the district over the last three calendar years including details about date, number of recipients, Council staff and Elected Member attendance, cost, location and other government agency attendance.
  • 19 October 2022: 2019 & 2022 Local Government Elections(PDF, 607KB)
    Request for copies of all reports, memorandums, agendas, minutes and emails that detail any mistakes made by Council officers (managing the elections on behalf of Council) in checking candidate applications in the processing of candidates standing for the Local Body Election, which has led to the disqualification by the independent Electoral Officer after the closing date (on the Friday at 12 noon).
  • 23 May 2022: Livestreaming Redactions(PDF, 769KB)
    Request for information about which HDC policy allows for redactions in the audio and transcript when live Council meetings are rebroadcast as YouTube recordings; any legal grounds cited in the Local Government Act (or other) which provide for redactions such as this; whether the redactions make HDC's decision-making process fully transparent and accessible after the live broadcast; who specifically benefits from these redactions and/or is adversely impacted by redactions and provision of a transcript of a specific meeting and all other redactions in the recording of that meeting.
  • 21 February 2022: Horowhenua District Council's Vaccination Policy(PDF, 595KB)
    Request for information relating to HDC’s Vaccination Policy, including how refunds to ratepayers who can no longer access the services paid for will be calculated and how Council assessed its decision, following Council's decision on 9 February 2022 to implement a Vaccination Policy.
  • 26 October 2021: Three Waters Reform(PDF, 607KB)
    Request for information about whether there are any race connotations in any of the Three Water Reforms where one race could gain monetary or otherwise advantage over any other person or race in NZ.
  • 6 September 2021: Council's position on the Three Waters Reform(PDF, 609KB)
    Request for information about whether Council has taken a position, even if just 'in principle', for or against opting into the Government's proposed Three Waters Reform and a copy of Council's Significance & Engagement Policy.
  • 9 July 2021: LTP Deliberations(PDF, 855KB)
    Request for the sharing of information upon which Council derived conclusions relating to bridleways and improved access for equestrians.
  • 14 June 2021: Number of Council & Committee Meetings, Briefings and Workshops(PDF, 251KB)
    Request for the total number of full Council meetings for the last 12 months including 'closed' meetings, the number of full Council committee meetings for the last 12 months including 'closed' meetings and the number of alternative meetings ie 'Council workshops' that were closed to the public.
  • 10 May 2021: Consideration of the establishment of Māori Wards(PDF, 505KB)
    Request for information relating to whether Council has discussed establishing a Māori ward or Māori constituency at a Council meeting since the Local Electoral (Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Act 2021 came into effect on 2 March 2021 and if yes what further action Council resolved to take.
  • 1 April 2021: Processing of LGOIMA requests(PDF, 694KB)
    Request for information about Council's policy or guidelines in relation to charging requestors for supplying information under the LGOIMA and how many requests for information under the LGOIMA were received from 1 January to 31 December 2020.
  • 18 March 2021: Four days additional leave granted to Council staff(PDF, 1MB)
    Request for information regarding the extra four days leave granted to Council staff this past year and the total cost of the granted leave already taken over the Christmas/New Year period, including the employer KiwiSaver contribution cost and the total gross pay for this.
  • 9 March 2021: Interception of Communications(PDF, 1MB)
    Request for all documents Horowhenua District Council (HDC) received from the Ombudsman and Privacy Commissioner regarding recommended changes to communication and email policies at HDC; and copies of the communication and email policies before and after the implementation of the recommended changes.
  • 2 May 2019: Councillors with Pecuniary Interests(PDF, 172KB)
    Request for information about the total number of Council contracts awarded to any company that an elected official has a pecuniary or any other interest in, a list of companies that were awarded the contracts (if any), the total number of Council contracts awarded to any company that an elected official's spouse has a pecuniary or any other interest in, a list of companies that were awarded the contracts (if any) and whether the contracts were put up for tender.
  • 4 April 2019: Legal costs associated with Cr Campbell and Mayor Feyen(PDF, 119KB)
    Request for information about all costs (legal/consultant/other) associated with responding to the Mayor’s accusations, allegations and behaviors including those of his advocate since 1 March 2018 and all costs (legal/consultant/other) associated with responding to Councillor Ross Campbell's accusations and behaviors since 1 March 2018.