Level 1 Water Conservation is in place for Levin and Ōhau from Monday 13 January 2025 until further notice. Water Conservation Level 2 remains in place for Foxton and Foxton Beach until further notice.
View the Public Notices
Ever wondered what happens to the water when you flush the toilet in your home? The moment you flush you set off a whole chain of scientific and engineering events.
This section of our website explains what happens to wastewater in Levin, Foxton, Foxton Beach, Tokomaru, Waitārere Beach, Shannon and Mangaore. It also covers trade waste and procedures to connect or disconnect from a network.
Our 'Wastewater Made Simple' booklet, available for downloading below, contains information about what happens beyond your sink, bath and toilet, the most common faults that occur on private properties, and how to fix them.
Wastewater Made Simple Booklet(PDF, 521KB)
Find out more about the wastewater treatment plant in your community.
An application form for a connection or disconnection to Horowhenua District Council's underground water and sewerage networks is available here, along with the connection process. You can apply online, by email or in person.
Find out how you can help in keeping our wastewater network running smoothly by only flushing the 3 P'S.
Find out about how our treatment plants are monitored, our commitment to improving the waterways of our district and who overseas the our treatment plant resource consents.
View Council's fees and charges for Wastewater including application fees for connections and septage.
View some common questions we receive from our community about Wastewater and the corresponding answers.