Applying for a Corridor Access Request - Excavation

For all planned excavation activities you need to use the beforeUdig online service.

beforeUdig provides an easy and quick online service to assist you in determining the presence of underground assets in and around any proposed dig site, protecting people, communities and valuable assets.

When a Contractor uses this online service, the system will automatically contact each registered asset owner, and will also generate a CAR which goes to Council.

You'll be required to register your company details and provide essential contact information.

Most importantly, you'll be required to submit a Traffic Management Plan when you apply. This plan must be drawn up by a person holding the Site Traffic Management Supervisor (STMS) Level 1 qualification. For further information on how to become STMS Level 1 qualified, please contact our Roading Team on (06) 366 0999 or search for 'STMS Training' online.

Work Access Permits (WAPs)

Once the CAR has been processed by Council, a Works Access Permit (WAP) will be issued to the applicant, along with all relevant local conditions.

Starting work without a WAP

Council will immediately issue a Stop Work Notice if work is started without a WAP. You'll be required to remove all structures and equipment from the site to make the site safe.

Council will revoke the Stop Work Notice once a WAP has been issued. Continued infringing will result in a ban from being able to undertake any future work within the Transport Corridor.


If you have any questions regarding the CAR process please contact our Roading Team on (06) 366 0999 or email