Speed and Safety

Most vehicle accidents in New Zealand happen because people make mistakes, and when you make mistakes at speed or when you are not driving to the conditions then accidents happen.

Horowhenua District Council is dedicated to reducing the number of crashes on our roads and decreasing harm caused to individuals, their families and friends.

Rural roads

In 2019, Horowhenua District Council introduced speed limit reductions for most rural roads to 80 kilometres per hour (km/h) on sealed rural roads and to 60km/h on most rural residential and unsealed roads. The change came about following consultation including a district-wide survey that found support for the reduction in speed limits. You can find a full list of rural road speed limits on our Land Transport Bylaw 2024 page.

Urban roads

In the second half of 2019, Council will undertake an urban speed limit engagement. The engagement will inform changes to urban speeds which will then be recommended to Council. Any changes to speed limits on urban roads are likely to be introduced in 2020 and will be widely publicised.

Slower speeds outside schools

Recognising that traffic outside our schools is hectic around opening and closing times, Council has adopted variable speed limits. Reducing speed limits is proven to reduce the number of crashes as well as the consequences of injury.

Speed limits on roads around the schools will reduce to 40km/h approximately 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after school and remain at 50km/h at other times. Variable speed limits exist around the following schools:

  • Fairfield School
  • Horowhenua College
  • Koputaroa School
  • Levin East School
  • Levin Intermediate
  • Levin North School
  • Levin School
  • Ōpiki School – SH56 is managed by NZTA, the variable speed limit here is 80km/h down from 100km/h
  • St Joseph’s School
  • Waiopehu College.