
As part of the Long Term Plan 2024-2044 deliberations, a decision was made to stop Urban Berm mowing from 1 July 2024 to save $240,000 per year. 

You can find out more on our Community voice plays a major role in Council’s LTP Deliberations news item.

As a result, those living or working in a property adjacent to roadside berms will need to maintain these themselves. For many across our district, they're already doing this. However, Council is aware that for some this will be a new task.

Council’s Open Spaces Maintenance delivery team will continue to maintain weeds on the roadside, particularly those around poles, posts and other service assets.

Urban Road Reserve Berms

Residents generally maintain their road reserve berms in front (and beside or behind) their properties because they want their street to look smart and well-cared for. This approach is taken to reduce the demand on rates and it recognises that it's the resident who benefits from a tidy and clean berm.


If a resident or business is unable to mow their berm, they may wish to employ a contractor at their own personal cost.

Residents who are physically incapable of mowing their lawn and the berm outside their property may be eligible for an allowance from Work and Income New Zealand (WINZ) to assist with the cost of a contractor. Please contact WINZ for more information or take a look at the Work and Income website.

FAQs - Berm

We've put together some common questions we receive from our community about berm mowing and the corresponding answers.

Council’s Open Spaces Maintenance delivery team manages the vegetation on all of our road to road walkways, alongside our reserves, parks and through our town centres.

A berm or verge is usually a grass area between the footpath and your property or business. It can also be the berm around the sides or back of your property.

In the Horowhenua District it's the property owner’s responsibility to maintain the berm outside of their home or business.

Council does maintain some berm areas in the district, including those along key thoroughfares, where berms are too dangerous or too difficult for residents to manage, and those around our reserves and playgrounds.

Berm area image showing berm area between footpath and property or business.

If there's a property in your neighbourhood that you believe is a health and safety hazard due to an unkept section, you might first try to talk to the property owner. If this doesn't resolve the problem, contact Council to report your concern.

If there's a property in your neighbourhood that you believe is a fire risk, you might first try to talk to the property owner.

If this doesn't resolve the problem, contact Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) to let them know about your concern by completing their Potential Fire Hazard online form for overgrown sections available via their website or call 0800 336 942.

Road reserve berms should be kept free of vegetation to ensure safe use of the road and footpath for all users.

If any road reserve planting is deemed to be a hazard, Council can require that it be trimmed or removed. This is for public safety reasons; to ensure clear sight lines and clearance from footpaths, roads, streetlights and drainage.

Yes, this is for public safety reasons; to ensure clear sight lines and clearance from footpaths, roads, streetlights and drainage.

No, Council’s Open Spaces Maintenance Team will maintain a spray band around the edge of a bus shelter but the mowing of the berm is the responsibility of the property owner.