Service Connections

Horowhenua District Council has a new process for applying for a new connection / disconnection. Key changes include:

  • only approved contractors can be used to carry out the work on Council-owned infrastructure;
  • it's now the responsibility of the applicant to engage an approved contractor to complete all works associated with the connection (at agreed terms);
  • when considering a connection, the applicant/owner must consider the use of the site and seek professional advice from a registered plumber to ensure the correct level of protection is given to the public water supply; and
  • applicants will need to pay for the cost of the connection directly to the approved contractor, as per the agreed terms.

Applications will still incur a non-refundable administration fee and are valid for 12 months from permission being granted by Council.

Don't have a building consent or resource consent?

If you don't have a building consent or resource consent, please do not apply for a new connection or disconnection without contacting Council first.

How to apply

You can apply online, by email or in person.


Step 1.Check your details

Ensure you have a Building Consent or Resource Consent - you'll need the number to complete your application form.

Step 2.Select an approved contractor and obtain a quote

Choose from the list of approved contractors below (you can select one or more to get in touch with, to obtain a quote for the connection). Before getting in touch, ensure you have all the relevant consent information available, including:

  • conditions relating to the connections;
  • online mapping details; and
  • any specific requirements.

Step 3.Engage the approved contractor

You'll need to state which contractor you'll be using on the application form. Please note you'll need to pay the cost of the connection directly to the approved contractor, as per the agreed terms.  

Step 4.Apply and pay online 

Complete and submit this application form and pay the associated fee. For new connections you'll need to supply:

  • a diagram of the desired position(s) of the new connection(s) relative to the Lot boundaries; and
  • the Lot number and DP number for the property.

Payment can be made at the time of applying by Credit Card /  Debit Card, or by POLi, or after applying by Internet Banking or in person.

Apply Online.

By email

Step 1.Check your details

Ensure you have a Building Consent or Resource Consent - you'll need the number to complete your application form.

Step 2.Select an approved contractor and obtain a quote

Choose from the list of approved contractors below (you can select one or more to get in touch with, to obtain a quote for the connection). Before getting in touch, ensure you have all the relevant consent information available, including:

  • conditions relating to the connections;
  • online mapping details; and
  • any specific requirements.

Step 3.Engage the approved contractor

You'll need to state which contractor you'll be using on the application form. Please note you'll need to pay the cost of the connection directly to the approved contractor, as per the agreed terms.  

Step 4.Download and complete the form

For new connections you'll need to supply:

  • a diagram of the desired position(s) of the new connection(s) relative to the Lot boundaries; and
  • the Lot number and DP number for the property.

Download Printable Version of this form.  

Step 5.Email your form to Council and make a payment

Scan and email your application to Payment can be made by Internet Banking or in person. Details for how to make payments can be viewed on the application form.

In person

Step 1.Check your details

Ensure you have a Building Consent or Resource Consent - you'll need the number to complete your application form.

Step 2.Select an approved contractor and obtain a quote

Choose from the list of approved contractors below (you can select one or more to get in touch with, to obtain a quote for the connection). Before getting in touch, ensure you have all the relevant consent information available, including:

  • conditions relating to the connections;
  • online mapping details; and
  • any specific requirements.

Step 3.Engage the approved contractor

You'll need to state which contractor you'll be using on the application form. Please note you'll need to pay the cost of the connection directly to the approved contractor, as per the agreed terms.  

Step 4.Download and complete the form

For new connections you'll need to supply:

  • a diagram of the desired position(s) of the new connection(s) relative to the Lot boundaries; and
  • the Lot number and DP number for the property.

Download Printable Version of this form.  

Step 5.Visit your nearest Council Office

Pop into your nearest Council Office with your completed application form:

  • Levin (Main Office), 126 Oxford Street, Levin, open 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays).
  • Foxton Service Centre, 92 Main Street, Foxton, open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 4pm Saturday to Sunday (except public holidays).
  • Shannon Service Centre, Plimmer Terrace, Shannon, open 10am to 12 noon and 1pm to 5pm Monday to Friday, Saturday only 10am to 12 noon.

You can pay the fee associated with your application when you pop in.

Horowhenua District Council's approved contractors are as follows:

Higgins Contractors Limited
Phone: 06 366 0006
Location: 48 Tararua Road, Levin 5510 | PO Box 1020, Levin 5510

Local Waters Horowhenua
Phone: 06 366 0999
Location: 126 Oxford Street, Levin

Tatana Contracting Limited
Phone: 06 368 9385
Location: 80-82 Cambridge Street South, Levin

Once your application has been received by Council the process will be:

  • Council will confirm permission with yourself and the nominated contractor and the contractor will advise the expected date of installation.
  • The approved contractor you have engaged with will contact Council to arrange for an inspection.
  • Council will receive the Asbuilt plans from the contractor and provide acceptance. Once accepted, this will confirm the end of the process.
  • The overall length of time for this process depends on contractor availability.

How do I get a quote?

You can contact an approved contractor.

How can I connect to Council infrastructure without a resource consent or building consent?

You'll need to speak to Council's Infrastructure Services team, either by phone on 06 366 0999 or email to

How do I become an approved contractor?

You'll need to speak to Council's Health & Safety Advisor, either by phone on 06 366 0999 or email to

How will I know what information to give to the contractor?

You can refer to your building consent or resource consent for conditions and plans that are associated with the consent approval, and check Council's online mapping tool, MapIt.

Why does Council have rules/standards for water and sewer connections?

Rules and standards are in place to ensure the safety and reliance of public infrastructure. You can view our bylaws below.

Trade Waste Bylaw
Water Supply Bylaw
Wastewater Bylaw

Council provides an online mapping system which can be used to assist with the preparation of new connection applications. These maps contain layers including property boundaries, aerial photography and water and drainage for the entire district. This is useful information to provide to contractors.

You can find the details you need by following these steps:

  • Visit our Online Maps (MapIt) page and launch either the Desktop or Mobile version of MapIt
  • Select 'Infrastructure' from the viewing options available
  • Select the 'Search' tab and enter the property address
  • Select 'Council Infrastructure' in the Layers options - look for any Blue lines which indicate Water pipes and any Red lines which indicate Sewer pipes. These will provide an indication of the distance between the property boundary and existing Council infrastructure.
  • Double-click on the property location pin to see a display of all of the Rating & Planning information for that property, including what Rate Zone the property has. 

With the aim of making it easier to pay your property's water account, we offer the option to pay by direct debit.

Download and complete the Direct Debit Authority Form below and send it to Horowhenua District Council, Private Bag 4002, Levin. Alternatively, you can email this to

HDC Water Billing Direct Debit Authority Form(PDF, 112KB)