Who is responsible for water leaks and what is the process?
Leaks on Private Property
If a water leak is on private property then it is the owner’s responsibility to repair. The owner needs to contact a plumber to undertake repairs as soon as possible. Owners must act to avoid water wastage. If the owner fails to action repair within a timely manner, Council may take further steps to ensure compliance. If a member of the public identifies a water leak on private property the Council will make contact with the owner as soon as possible.
Leaks on the Road Reserve/Berm
If the leak is at the toby (blue box or square metal box with hinged lid in the ground) and the road is not privately owned, then Council will undertake repairs.
If the road is private then the owner is responsible for these repairs/ replacements refer above. The owner can request Council to arrange Councils Contractor to undertake these repairs, however all costs will being on charged to the owner.
The only exception to this is, if the toby is located at the Council road frontage, then HDC may attend to the repair as necessary.
Contact the Customer Services team on (06) 366 0999 for further information.
Gushing Water, High Volumes?
Contact the Customer Services Team and report immediately. Council will contact their Contractor to urgently attend.
Fast flowing water/trickling water?
This could be a leaking lateral, contact the Customer Services Team to investigate urgently.