How do I turn off the water supply to my property?

The Council's water meter or toby box is usually located on the berm just outside your front fence.

In some instances, water tobies are installed up `Right of Ways' and occasionally within private property. The actual position of your meter may be recorded on Councils online mapping system.

Alternatively, these locations can be given over the telephone by contacting Councils Customer Services Team.

In some areas a white line drawn on the road may also indicate the tobys location.

Turning the toby off?

For boxes containing a blue lid
Use a screwdriver to lift the lid, inside you will see a blue tap handle. An arrow on the handle indicates the clockwise direction to turn to shut the water off – remember lefty loosey, right tighty.

For boxes containing a metal plate
These have a handle system, turn handle the opposite way, this should shut the water off.