How do I get a quote?
You can contact an approved contractor.
How can I connect to Council infrastructure without a resource consent or building consent?
You'll need to speak to Council's Infrastructure Services team, either by phone on 06 366 0999 or email to
How do I become an approved contractor?
You'll need to speak to Council's Health & Safety Advisor, either by phone on 06 366 0999 or email to
How will I know what information to give to the contractor?
You can refer to your building consent or resource consent for conditions and plans that are associated with the consent approval, and check Council's online mapping tool, MapIt.
Why does Council have rules/standards for water and sewer connections?
Rules and standards are in place to ensure the safety and reliance of public infrastructure. You can view our bylaws below.
Trade Waste Bylaw
Water Supply Bylaw
Wastewater Bylaw