Level 1 Water Conservation is in place for Levin and Ōhau from Monday 13 January 2025 until further notice. Water Conservation Level 2 remains in place for Foxton and Foxton Beach until further notice.
View the Public Notices
Horowhenua District Council is responsible for stormwater in our towns, settlements, and along most roadways. Most rural drainage schemes are owned and managed by Horizons Regional Council.
The piped stormwater network in Horowhenua is just over 96 kilometres in length and includes 17 pump stations. More than half of the network (59km) is in Levin where about two thirds of our residents live, in Foxton the network is just over 15km length and in Foxton Beach the network is just under 12km. Smaller stormwater systems are found in Hōkio Beach, Manakau, Mangaore, Ōhau, Shannon, Tokomaru, Waitārere Beach and Waikawa Beach. To view the network in each location please visit our Online Maps.
In this section you can find out about our stormwater services for residents and how we manage stormwater on our roading network. You will also find information about how you can play your part in keeping our waterways clean, and we preview some upcoming changes and challenges to stormwater requirements.
Find out what your responsibilities are around maintaining drains for stormwater on residential properties.
Find out information about our urban roading and rural stormwater.
Our waterways are precious and we all have a part to play in protecting them. Find out what you and your family/whānau can do to help.
Stormwater is an important issue for Horowhenua, both because of increasingly high standards and because of heavier rain events as a result of Climate Change. Find out more about the future of stormwater in your community.
View some common questions we receive from our community about Flooding (storm related) and Stormwater (rain water) and the corresponding answers.
A resource consent application for Council’s stormwater network.