Horowhenua District Council is committed to funding the Enviroschools programme in our area. For expressions of interest, please contact our solid waste team on (06) 366 0999 or waterandwasteteam@horowhenua.govt.nz.
The Enviroschools programme supports children and young people to plan, design and implement sustainability actions that are important to them and their communities. The programme provides pathways from early childhood through primary, intermediate and secondary school. Through the collaborative approach of building strong relationships and sharing information, Enviroschools in the region are growing.
Enviroschools is supported by a national team, in partnership with nearly 100 national and regional partners, including the majority of New Zealand’s councils. Facilitators from these partner organisations work with a suite of resources to progress the sustainability journey of each Enviroschool.
In 2020, the total number of Enviroschools has reached over 1,358. This network embraces over 335,000 children and young people, their whānau and over 15,500 teachers and staff. A focus on the journey, not just the destination, supports long-term participation; although lasting changes can take many years to become embedded, every step is a change in itself.
With over a decade of development and growth, people are beginning to refer to Enviroschools as a movement for positive change in this country towards a generation of innovative and motivated young people who instinctively think and act sustainably.
Horowhenua Enviroschools
- Betty Montford Kindergarten
- Country Educare
- Tararua Educare
- Ōhau School
- Opiki School
- Shannon School
- Manawatū College
- Waiopehu College
- Levin School
- Learning Links Horowhenua
- Fairfield Educare
- Foxton Kindergarten
Enviroschools Horowhenua Annual Summary 2020-2021(PDF, 750KB)
Enviroschools Snapshot 2022(PDF, 26MB)
Zero Waste Education (ZWE) offers 10 Waste Minimisation Education Units from Pre School to Year 8; funded by Horowhenua District Council. All units are supported by workbooks / worksheets, interactive games and activities, resources, relevant photos and website references.
Horowhenua District Council funds ZWE in 18 schools throughout the district. For expressions of interest, please contact our solid waste team on (06) 366 0999 or waterandwasteteam@horowhenua.govt.nz.
How Zero Waste Education works
The Zero Waste Education (ZWE) programme has been educating children about the topic of sustainable resource use since 1993. This award- winning programme is now offered to over 500 schools throughout New Zealand to students in years 1-8 each year.
Additionally there are three units for preschools. Contact the ZWE office to learn more.
If your school is offered Zero Waste Education, it is provided by HDC from the Waste Levy fund. This free Council programme enables children to investigate the link between the earth’s natural resources, the products they use and see around them and the resulting waste (natural resources we no longer want) that pollutes our environment.
This comprehensive programme consists of different units each focussing on a specific solution to our waste problem. As the units alternate each year students will constantly receive new material. They will have received preschool plus 9 school units by the time they leave Year 8.
Horowhenua Schools with ZWE:
- Coley Street School
- Fairfield School
- Foxton Beach
- Foxton School
- Koputaroa School
- Levin East School
- Levin Intermediate
- Levin North School
- Levin School
- Manakau School
- Ohau School
- Opiki School
- Poroutawhao School
- Shannon School
- St Josephs School Levin
- St Marys School Foxton
- Taitoko School
- Tokomaru School