Recycling Changes 2024

From 1 February 2024, Aotearoa has standardised their recycling across the country.
The key changes for Horowhenua will be that pizza boxes and plastic meat trays which are not currently accepted, can be included in household kerbside recycling from Thursday 1 February 2024.
Pizza boxes must be clean and have no food waste on them and meat trays must be rinsed clean, with the plastic wrap removed.
Any contaminated or non-recyclables compromises all of the recycling in your bin and risks it going to landfill.
From 1 February, these items will be accepted in your kerbside recycling:
- plastic bottles and containers marked with recycling symbols 1, 2, or 5
- glass bottles and jars
- paper and cardboard (including clean pizza boxes)
- food tins
- drink cans
Why has Council made these changes?
These changes are part of the Government’s move to standardise household kerbside recycling across New Zealand, led by the Ministry for the Environment. Find more information on the Ministry for the Environment's website.
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