Food Scraps Collection and Composting Trial

About one third of the waste going to landfill from urban collections in our district is food scraps.

Composting is part of the solution – reducing the amount of waste you’re disposing of, which can then be processed into compost.

In April Council will begin a three-month food scraps collection and composting trial for selected households on Queen Street East and West, and Weraroa Road, in Levin.

About the trial

The trial will be paid for by a $25,000 grant from the Government’s Waste Levy fund and won’t cost residents or participants anything.

Participants will be given a small collection bin for food scraps which will be picked up every week and taken to a company in Foxton to be processed into compost.

We’ll make the compost available to schools in the district that are enrolled in the Enviroschools program.

At the end of the three months, we’ll review how successful the trial has been, and elected members will vote on whether to implement food scraps collection throughout urban areas. One factor in their decision will be that once the trial is over any future food scraps collection would have to be paid for by ratepayers.

We encourage everyone to recycle their food scraps if possible – you can find more information on our Food Waste Minimisation page.

Collection information

Please ensure your collection bin is kerbside or at your collection point before 7.30am on collection day to guarantee it will be emptied. If your bin isn't out on time the collection vehicle won't come back to collect it.

Any contamination (items not permitted in bin) will result in your bin not being emptied. We want the trial to be as successful as possible so please be mindful to put only permitted material in your food scraps bin – see below for what you can put in your bin. 


What percentage of waste going to landfill in the district is food scraps?

About one-third of the waste going to landfill in the district is food scraps.

How does wasting food affect consumers?

Consumers spend money on food they don't eat.

What's one solution to food waste?

Composting is part of the solution. It provides compost that improves your garden.

What's the upcoming food scraps collection and composting trial?

In April, Council will begin a three-month food scraps collection and composting trial for selected households on Queen Street East and West, and Weraroa Road, in Levin.

Who's funding the food scraps trial, and will there be any cost for residents?

The trial is funded by a $25,000 grant from the Government’s Waste Levy fund and will not cost residents or participants anything.

How will the food scraps be collected during the trial?

Participants will be given a small collection bin for food scraps, which will be emptied every week and taken to a company in Foxton to be processed into compost.

What will happen to the compost created from the food scraps?

The compost will be made available to schools in the district that are enrolled in the Enviroschools programme.

How will the trial be evaluated?

At the end of the three months, the success of the trial will be reviewed by a survey, and elected members will vote on whether to implement it to urban areas.

If food waste collection is implemented throughout urban areas after the trial, who will pay for it?

If Council implements food waste collection throughout urban areas, ratepayers living in the areas where the service is provided will have to pay for it.

Can all residents participate in the trial?

We’re only running the trial on Queen Street East & West, and Weraroa Road, in Levin. If you live on one of these streets, would like to join and haven’t been selected, please contact us.

Where can residents find more information about recycling food scraps?

Residents can find more information about recycling food scraps on our Food Waste Minimisation page.

Contact us

If you have any questions, if your bin is damaged, or if you’ve been selected for the trial but don’t want to take part please contact us by emailing or phoning 06 366 0999

If you live on Queen Street or Weraroa Road and haven't been selected for the trial but would like to be included please get in touch – these are the only streets where we’re running the trial.