How do I dispose of lead paint?

Horowhenua District Council will only accept small quantities of lead paint at its transfer stations. For larger quantities, contact the Levin Transfer Station/Midwest on 06 367 2915

How do I dispose of lead paint flakes?

Households stripping lead paint off homes should gather all flakes into a bag while surface stripping (to avoid double handling) and advise the Levin Transfer Station upon disposal.

Did you know?

Lead paint deposited in the general waste stream should be avoided because of the hazardous or toxic nature of these Lead substances. Lead paint when exposed to leachate inside the landfill environment generates lead oxide/s and is identified as a prohibited. Keeping Lead bagged in a sturdy plastic container (Barrel/Drum) will hold its shape and stability over years. The GPS mapping-in of a Lead paint filled drum provides to Council an ability to relocate its placement for safety and auditing purposes in future years.

Other paint can be taken to the Resene Paint Shop, 94 Cambridge Street for recycling. This is free for Resene brand paints, while other brands incur a small charge.