What's a Separately Used or Inhabited Part (SUIP)?

Separately Used or Inhabited Parts (SUIP) are listed in Schedule 3 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 as one of the factors that may be used by Councils in calculating liability for targeted rates. 

Examples of Separately Used or Inhabited Parts include:

  • On a residential property, each separately habitable unit, flat, house or apartment.
  • On a commercial property, each separate space intended to be used as a shop or other retail or wholesale outlet, other than that used by the owner.
  • In an office block, each space intended to be used as offices that is or would be used by a different business from the owner.

Horowhenua District Council currently uses SUIPs as a factor in the following rates:

  • Community Centre / Library Rate
  • Representation and Community Leadership
  • Solid Waste Disposal
  • Aquatic Centres
  • Wastewater
  • Water Supply

In practice, this means a rating unit will receive one charge for each SUIP. For example, a property with a dwelling and separate flat would be charged two of each of the above rates.