Rates Rebates

The Rates Rebate Scheme was established by the Government through the Rates Rebate Act 1973 and the criteria given affect to by the Rates Rebate Order 2006 and the Rates Rebate (Specified Amounts) Order 2008.

The scheme is administered by Horowhenua District Council on behalf of the Department of Internal Affairs. The scheme's purpose is to provide a subsidy to low-income homeowners and ratepayers on the cost of their rates. The level of your rates, income and whether you have any dependents will all have a bearing on whether you qualify for a rebate or not.

For more information please visit the rates rebate section of our website, or call the customer services team on (06) 366 0999 or email enquiries@horowhenua.govt.nz or over the counter at any of our Customer Service Centres.