How did we get to the final adopted 2024-44 Long Term Plan

Since August 2023 there were 29 Council Workshops and Meetings held in the lead-up to adoption of the LTP, including only two publicly-excluded Workshops. Together these informed and confirmed Council’s decisions about the issues that needed to be addressed through the Long Term Plan.

During the development of the LTP there was also extensive consultation and engagement. Early engagement took place between 16 October to 5 November 2023, checking with the Community about the proposed key themes, and any other matters that should be included. Feedback received showed 96 percent of respondents agreed with the proposed themes.

At the Council meeting on 13 December 2023 Council approved the scope of the Long Term Plan. That enabled consultation material and budgets to be prepared. It was agreed that the LTP address three key issues:

  • focusing on the basics;
  • being prepared for growth and future focused; and
  • reviewing the Waste Management & Minimisation Plan.

On 6 March 2024 Council approved the consultation document. Built around the scope in above, the consultation document identified and sought feedback on these key issues:

  • What services are needed for our community
  • Managing Waste
  • Sharing costs – who pays for what.

The other policies and documents Council sought feedback on through consultation process were:

  • Development Contributions Policy
  • Significance and Engagement Policy
  • Draft Fees and Charges Schedule 2024/2025.

Formal consultation took place from 15 March to 15 April 2024. We sent a letter to each ratepayer to let them know about the consultation and encouraged people to have their say. During these four weeks there were 34 events in Levin, Shannon, Foxton and Manakau, including five online events. We received a total of 499 formal submissions, including a number made by video. Council consulted widely and engaged with a much more diverse cross section of our community. An example of this is the 40% increase in submitters aged 25-35 years compared to the Long Term Plan 2021-2041 Amendment.

Following the submission period Council heard oral submissions on 1 and 2 May 2024. Deliberations followed on 22 May 2024. The final Long Term Plan presented for adoption the decisions Council made during the deliberations meeting.

On 26 June 2024 Council made its decision to adopt the Long Term Plan 2024-2044, and by doing that, adopted all of the components (eg policies, strategies and statements) that make up the Long Term Plan proper.