Food Business Verification
Once a food business is registered with Council, the first verification needs to happen within 6 weeks of the food business registration certificate being issued.
Food businesses operating under a template Food Control Plan (FCP) will have their verification carried out by a Horowhenua District Council verifier.
Food businesses operating under a National Programme (NP) will need to provide a letter from their confirmed third-party verifier when they register their food business. Horowhenua District Council is not an approved National Programme verifier at this time.
A list of approved third-party verifiers can be accessed on the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) website.
How long does a FCP verification take, & what is the cost?
Verification is a way to make sure a food business is selling safe food, and following good safety practices.
How long a verification visit takes depends on the size of a food business and the processes they use. Generally, it will take between 1.5 hours and 3 hours onsite plus extra time if there are things a business needs to fix or improve on.
The cost of a verification reflects the time it takes to complete the verification visit, any follow-up visits and to write the verification report.
See our Environmental Health - Fees & Charges page for more information.
Food Grading Policy
Council has a Food Businesses Grading Policy that supports our role in monitoring and enforcing legislation and regulations governing food businesses. A list of food businesses and their grades is available for downloading below.
Food Businesses Grades List - January 2022(PDF, 40KB)
Find more information about the policy on the Food Premises Grading Policy page.