How do I know if I need a resource consent?

There are a number of steps to figuring out whether a proposed activity requires resource consent.

  1. Enter the address of the property you're interested in into the Search bar, or zoom in to find its location.
  2. Double click on the property to bring up a pop-up box.
  3. Select 'Planning Info' - this provides the zoning(s) and any other relevant planning information that applies to the property, eg the image below. 

Applying for a resource consent - image showing Planning Info tab for a property on Horowhenua District online maps.

  • Check the Horowhenua District Plan including any proposed plan changes and the National Environmental Standards to see if your proposed activity is listed as a 'permitted activity' and if the activity complies with the permitted activity conditions or it requires resource consent (note there are two types of exemptions from the need for resource consent - boundary activities and deemed marginal non-compliances).

What's a permitted activity?

The rules and standards in the Horowhenua District Plan determine how your proposed activity is classified and how it will be assessed. Under the District Plan, activities are categorised as:

  • Permitted (no resource consent is required providing conditions are met) 
  • Controlled
  • Restricted Discretionary
  • Discretionary
  • Non-Complying (most restrictive)

Note: Other consents or approvals may also be required, such as a building consent from Horowhenua District Council or resource consent from Horizons Regional Council.

If your activity is not listed as permitted, and/or you don't comply with a permitted activity condition(s), you'll need either a resource consent or a deemed permitted boundary activity depending on the circumstances. If you're unsure, contact Council before you proceed with your activity.