FAQs - LIMS & Document Requests

We've put together some common questions we receive from our community about LIMs (Land Information Memorandums) and document requests and the corresponding answers. 

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Council will make available upon request a hard copy of all bylaws, special consultative documents, LTP, agendas and the Annual Plan (excluding confidential documents). Fees may apply, however to reduce costs Council can provide a copy of most documents on disk. All publicly-notified applications and special consultative documents will be available at Council Services Centres and on our website.

Documents that are currently being consulted on (including submission forms) are available on our website. Examples of items available for viewing include the Long Term or Annual Plans, Bylaws, Grants and other special consultative procedures.

Hard copies are also available for viewing at Council's Offices and Libraries. If you require a copy of a document, photocopying charges may apply.

The Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 states in Section 44A that a territorial authority must reply within 10 working days of a request. However, Council endeavours to produce them as quickly as possible.

Multiple LIM Report applications and charges are not required if a property has one or more titles and spans single or multiple land parcels which are rated together as one.

The land parcels need to have the same Valuation and Assessment numbers for this to apply.

If you’re uncertain and need clarification about this before you apply, please contact our LIM Report Officer at Council.

The definition of a working day in the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 is as follows:

Working day means any day of the week other than:

(a) Saturday, Sunday, Good Friday, Easter Monday, ANZAC Day, Labour Day, the Sovereign’s Birthday, and Waitangi Day; and
(b) A day in the period commencing with the 25th day of December in any year and ending with the 15th day of January in the following year.

What does this mean?

Non-working days are excluded from the 10 working day timeframe for non-urgent requests and the 5 working day timeframe for urgent requests.

Applying for a LIM during the holiday period

If you apply for a LIM report during the period commencing with the 25th day of December in any year and ending with the 15th day of January in the following year, the LIM be accepted if all the information provided on the application form is correct. However, Council operates with reduced staffing levels during this period. As the period as stated in paragraph (b) is not deemed as working days, your LIM Report Application may not progress during this period. This period should be taken into consideration when a contract for the purchase of a property is being considered.

The completed LIM Report (Land Information Memorandum) will include information found in Horowhenua District Council's records relating to the following matters:

  • A summary of the rates account
  • District Plan information including zoning and an indication of the status of intended use of the property
  • Information identifying any special feature or characteristics of the land concerned
  • Any natural or man-made hazards that may affect the property

Building Consents/Permits and related information:

  • Other consents, licenses, certificates, requisitions, orders and notices affecting the land or any building on the land previously issued by Council
  • Swimming pool compliance
  • Information on private and public storm water and sewerage drains on the property as shown in Council's records
  • Status of Road - Public, Private or Right of Way
  • Type of water connection (if any) - metered, on demand or restricted and any conditions relating to this water connection/supply.
  • Other information concerning the land that Council considers, at its discretion, to be relevant.

Property information supplied by a third party

The information supplied represents information held on the Horowhenua District Council files but where supplied to the Council by a third party, it may not have been independently verified. The applicant should not rely on the information supplied for any purpose without personally verifying its accuracy and completeness at Council. For the purposes of this report an on-site inspection of the LIM property is not made.

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