Planning to build or renovate?


If you're planning to build or renovate your home or business there are certain guidelines and consents you need to adhere to under New Zealand’s building legislation. Council's Building Consents Team can help you with a range of building needs and requirements including:

  • building consent applications and amendments;
  • building and plumbing inspections;
  • code compliance certificate applications; and
  • compliance schedules and building warrants of fitness.

Our staff are trained professionals with backgrounds covering a range of building disciplines and are committed to providing quality customer service. They will help you obtain your consent as fast as possible while ensuring your project meets all the legislative and Building Code requirements.

Note: The information on this website is not all inclusive. For full information regarding Building Consents please contact Council on 06 366 0999 or email

What is a building consent?

A Building Consent is a formal approval granted by the Council which confirms the proposed building work shown in the documentation you provide complies with the New Zealand Building Code, the Building Act 2004 and Building Regulations.

What work needs a building consent?

A building consent is required for most types of building work. Some types of work can be undertaken without a consent (see below for more details). To find out how to apply for a building consent, view our Apply for a Building Consent page.

More information about what work requires a building consent can be found on the Can I build it website which has an interactive tool for homeowners who want to renovate or repair their home.


What work can I do without a building consent?

Building work listed under Schedule 1 of the Building Act 2004 is exempt building work and may be done without first obtaining a building consent, but the work must still comply with the Building Code.

Schedule 1 can be viewed on the New Zealand Legislation website. Further information which may be relevant can be obtained on the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment website and in the MBIE Schedule 1 Guidance document.

It is recommended you discuss your project with Council’s building advisory officers before undertaking any building works, even if you think the proposed works are exempt in accordance with Schedule 1 of the Act. It is also recommended you check to see if your proposed building work complies with the requirements of the District Plan, or is already provided for by an existing Resource Consent. If it isn't, you may need to apply for Resource Consent. Contact Council’s Consents team for more information.

Applying to record exempt work on your property file

There may be occasions when you would like exempt work to be recorded against your property file. If this is the case, please view our information on Applying to record third party information on your property file.

The current fees for recording information on the property file can be found on our Miscellaneous Fees & Charges page.

Discretionary Exemptions – Schedule 1(2) Building Act 2004

Councils can also use their discretion under Schedule 1 (2) to exempt any building work from requiring a building consent. You can apply for an exemption to the requirement for a building consent using the form below.

Apply Online for Application for building consent exemption


Applying for a Building Consent for work that is exempt

If building work is exempt you may still wish to obtain a building consent. More information about applying for a building consent can be found on our Apply for a Building Consent page.


Applying to record third party information on your property file

This form is to be completed when an applicant wishes for information prepared by a third party (ie not Horowhenua District Council) to be incorporated onto the property file.

This request relates to the following information:

  • A report relating to unauthorised building work constructed prior to 1 July 1992
  • Safe and Sanitary Report
  • Completion reports for building permits prior to 1 July 1992
  • Building work exempt under Part 1 of Schedule 1 of the Building Act 2004.

Apply online for a Property File Information - Lodgement Form

The current fees for recording information on the property file can be found on our Miscellaneous Fees & Charges page.