Apply for a Code Compliance Certificate

Once your building work is complete you'll need to apply for a Code Compliance Certificate (CCC).

A CCC is a formal statement issued under section 95 of the Building Act 2004, that building work carried out under a building consent complies with that building consent, or against the Building Code that was relevant at the time (if the consent was granted under the Building Act 1991). It is the owner’s responsibility to apply for the CCC as soon as practicable after the building work is completed.

If your building is open to the public the building cannot be used until a CCC or Certificate for Public Use is issued. It is an offence to use or permit the use of public premises affected by building work that has no code compliance certificate, certificate for public use or certificate of acceptance.

When you apply for your CCC you may be required to supply supporting documentation such as energy work certificates and records of work, if applicable.

Apply online

Step 1.Register on the Simpli portal

You'll need a valid email address and a password to register to use the portal.

Register on Simpli

Once you've registered, you can apply for a Code Compliance Certificate, even if your original building consent wasn't applied for through this portal.

The Simpli portal is an initiative set up to make applying for building consents simpler and faster. This service offers a few exciting features including the ability to track the progress of your application, to collaborate with colleagues on applications and also to use the same information to apply to different councils.

Step 2.Ensure your application form is correct and complete

The application form has a number of parts and it is important that all sections are completed. You'll also be required to upload the documentation relevant to your project. This includes the following:

  • Memorandum of Licensed Building Practitioners – Record of Work (for each type of work completed)
  • Certificates relating to energy work
  • Evidence that specified systems are capable of performing to the performance standards set out in the building consent
  • Other documents identified on the "required items" letter that was provided with your approved consent documentation 
  • Any additional documents requested during inspection.

Apply for a Code Compliance Certificate

Apply by mail

Step 1.Download the application form

Visit the Simpli website to download Form 6 – Code Compliance Certificate.

View the Simpli application forms

Step 2.Ensure your application form is correct and complete

The application form has a number of parts and it is important that all sections are completed. You'll also be required to upload the documentation relevant to your project. This includes the following:

  • Memorandum of Licensed Building Practitioners – Record of Work (for each type of work completed)
  • Certificates relating to energy work
  • Evidence that specified systems are capable of performing to the performance standards set out in the building consent
  • Other documents identified on the "required items" letter that was provided with your approved consent documentation 
  • Any additional documents requested during inspection

Step 3.Submit your application

All parts of Form 6 (Code Compliance Certificate) are to be completed and submitted along with one (1) copy of all required supporting documents. The documents required have been identified on the "required items" letter that was provided with your approved consent documentation.

Application forms and supporting documentation should be posted to Horowhenua District Council, Private Bag 4002, Levin 5540.

Apply in person

Step 1.Download the application form

Visit the Simpli website to download Form 6 – Code Compliance Certificate.

View the Simpli application forms

Ensure your application form is correct and complete

The application form has a number of parts and it is important that all sections are completed. You'will also be required to add the documentation relevant to your project. Applications will not be accepted if any of the information is missing.

Step 2.Submit your application

All parts of Form 6 (Code Compliance Certificate) are to be completed and submitted along with one (1) copy of all required supporting documents. The documents required have been identified on the "required items" letter that was provided with your approved consent documentation.

The fee for the Code Compliance Certificate is usually included in the invoice that is sent out once the consent is issued. A review of the fees paid for inspections will be made when the Code Compliance Certificate has been approved for issue. The Code Compliance Certificate will not be issued if there are any unpaid fees, and/or any other outstanding charges such as development contributions.

For more information about how to make a payment please view our Paying Us page.

Find out about the steps involved in the processing and issuing of Code Compliance Certificates (CCCs).

Processing and issuing of Code Compliance Certificates (CCCs)

If the building work was completed five (5) or more years ago and a CCC hasn’t yet been issued, the consent will be considered to be a "historic" consent and will require an amendment to backdate durability to the date of practical completion. This amendment to backdate durability is issued with a condition under Section 67 of the Building Act 2004, modifying Clause B2.3.1 so that the durability periods commence from the agreed date.

More information about this can be found on the Building Performance website.