We need your feedback on our Proposed Freedom Camping Bylaw

Published on November 03, 2023

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We're proposing to put a new bylaw in place that strikes the right balance between attracting and supporting tourism in the Horowhenua, while also protecting special places in our district. The Proposed Freedom Camping Bylaw gives Council a tool to respond to issues relating to freedom camping. 

The proposed Bylaw identifies those areas where freedom camping is appropriate, and those areas which need protection for reasons that include environmental and cultural significance, risks to health and safety, and other practical considerations. We want to ensure we meet the needs of our communities, our visitors, and all those who choose to freedom camp. 

We need your feedback to ensure the Bylaw reflects the views of the community. Consultation is now open until 4pm, Monday 4 December 2023. 

Anyone can make a submission to the Proposed Freedom Camping Bylaw, and we encourage you to let us know your views. This feedback will be considered during the decisionmaking process and will inform the final bylaw. 

Submit your feedback online