Water Conservation and Restrictions

Published on February 02, 2024

Council draws water from rivers and groundwater under resource consents. 

The conditions of these consents and the demand for water set the trigger levels for Council to issue water restrictions.

Water conservation is a team effort and everyone should be mindful of their water use. To prevent water demand exceeding our available supply, restrictions may be put in place. 

Visit the Water Conservation and Restrictions page for more information about Water Conservation and Restriction Levels and what they mean for you. Thank you for doing your bit to conserve waterin Horowhenua.

Water Conservation and Restrictions as of Friday 2 February 2024. 

Water Conservation and Restriction level 1.  Levin and Ōhau are in Water Conservation Level 1 until further notice.

Water Conservation and Restriction level 3.  Level 3 Water Restrictions are in place for Foxton and Foxton Beach.