Message from the Mayor

Published on May 19, 2023

Mayor Bernie Wanden 2022.jpg
Kia ora

This week is Youth Week, a nationwide initiative organised by young New Zealanders to celebrate the talents, passion and achievements of young people.  We have many extraordinary young people in Horowhenua. We recognise some of the most outstanding annually through our Youth Excellence Scholarships, but I wanted to take this opportunity to acknowledge the amazing contributions that young people make to our community. I’d also like to acknowledge the youth workers, youth service providers, and others working with and for young people encouraging them to take up challenges, share ideas and embrace their potential. 

This week is also Road Safety Week. This year’s theme is ‘Be a road safety hero’. Being a road safety hero can come in many forms – from road workers to emergency services. It includes health professionals, transport engineers, community campaigners and school crossing patrollers. Thank you to everyone who considers their own safety and the safety of others when using the road – you are all road safety heroes. 

It’s been a busy few weeks for myself and fellow Elected Members as we met over two days for the Hearing of Submissions on the Long Term Plan 2021-2041 Amendment (LTPA) and Annual Plan 2023/2024 (AP).

We received 414 submissions, and I’d like to thank everyone who took the time to engage with us during the consultation process. It’s an especially important time to share ideas, discuss key topics, provide feedback on policy and planning and contribute to the future of the Horowhenua District. A special thanks goes to the 61 individuals and groups who spoke at the Hearings online and in person. We appreciate your feedback and acknowledge the effort you put in to share your thoughts with us. Together we can shape a more resilient and thriving district. 

LTPA and AP deliberations will be held on Wednesday 31 May and Thursday 1 June, with the adoption of the final LTPA and AP scheduled for Wednesday 28 June 2023.

I have also enjoyed connecting with the community outside of Council Chambers.

On Saturday 6 May 2023 we marked the Coronation of King Charles III with a special tree planting ceremony at Thompson House Park. A plaque was unveiled with a whakataukī which reads: Māku te ra e tō ana; kei a koe te urunga ake o te rā - Let mine be the setting sun; yours is the dawning of a new day. It was wonderful to see so many of you there. After the ceremony we moved to Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō to acknowledge community volunteers and share some tea and scones.

Last week I enjoyed spending time with local tamariki who helped me brush up on my sign language skills.  Their vibrancy and passion for learning (and teaching) was contagious and gave me an immense amount of pride.

Until next time.

Bernie Wanden

Bernie Wanden