No longer on display. Expired on
April 25, 2024, 11:55 PM
ANZAC Day commemorates those we have lost to war and honours returned servicemen and women. On Thursday 25 April 2024 the following temporary road closures will be in place for ANZAC Day commemorations.
Levin Dawn Service
The parade will start at 6:00am from Devon Street, turn right into Oxford Street (SH1) and travel south, turn left onto Queen Street East and walk through traffic lights across SH1 to Cambridge Street, and then assemble at the Levin Cenotaph for the service.
5:00am – 9:00am |
Devon Street from Oxford Street to Bristol Street |
5:00am – 12:00pm |
Cambridge Street from Queen Street to Bath Street |
6:05am – 7.00am |
Kent Street from Cambridge Street to Winchester Street |
Traffic will be temporarily stopped on Oxford Street and Queen Street while the parade moves through:
6:00am – 6:15am |
Oxford Street (SH1) from Queen Street to Devon Street |
6:45am – 7:00am |
Oxford Street (SH1) from Queen Street to Devon Street |
6:00am – 6:15am |
Queen Street from Oxford Street and Cambridge Street |
6:45am – 7:00am |
Queen Street from Oxford Street and Cambridge Street |
In event of bad weather, the Levin Dawn Service will be held at Levin RSA and the parade will not take place.
Levin Civic Service
The parade will start at 10:00am from Thompson House Park on Kent Street and will continue down Kent Street turning left onto Cambridge Street to the Cenotaph for the service.
5:00am – 12:00pm |
Cambridge Street from Queen Street to Bath Street |
9:45am – 11:30am |
Kent Street from Cambridge Street to Winchester Street |
In event of bad weather, the will be held at Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō and the parade will not take place.
Foxton Dawn Service
Assemble outside the Foxton RSA at 5:30am on Easton Street, march off at 5:45am, turn right into Ladys Mile, then left onto Duncan Street, then left to the Cenotaph at Ravensworth Place where the service will begin at 6:00am.
5:00am – 8:00am |
Duncan Street from Ladys Mile to Ravensworth Place |
5.00am – 12.00pm |
Ravensworth Place from Liddell Street to Duncan Street |
Foxton Civic Service
Assemble at Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom by 9:00am on Main Street for the Civic Service, before marching at 9.35pm down Wharf Street, turn right into Harbour Street down Clyde to Liddell Street. Turn right to the Cenotaph at Ravensworth Place where the wreath ceremony will begin at 9:40am.
5.00am – 8.00am |
Ravensworth Street from Liddell Street to Duncan Street |
9.00am – 12.00pm |
Wharf Street from Main Street to Harbour Street |
In event of bad weather, the Foxton Civic Service will be held at Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom and the parade will not take place.
Shannon Civic Service
The parade will assemble on the corner of Vance Street and Plimmer Terrace before moving to the Cenotaph at 11.25am for an 11.30am service at the southern end of Te Maire Park.
10.30am – 1:00pm |
Plimmer Terrace from Vance Street to Ballance Street |
In event of bad weather, the Shannon Civic Service will be held at Shannon Memorial Hall and the parade will not take place.
Road closures apply to all vehicular traffic, with the exception of emergency service vehicles or vehicles directly involved with the events. Detours will be clearly signposted.
These closures are made in accordance with the Transport (Vehicular Traffic Road Closure) Regulations 1965. We apologise for any inconvenience.