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April 02, 2024, 05:00 PM
Horowhenua District Council is proposing to change the use and dispose of land currently held within the Green Avenue Reserve (a recreation reserve) with a view to providing the land for sale towards the development of housing that fits the needs of the community.
The reserve revocation process is a statutory process as determined by the Reserves Act 1977, which requires public notification of the proposal to revoke reserve status.
Council is making this proposal, as the land is no longer fulfilling the public purposes for which it was initially intended. The land was vested in Council in 1962 as a recreation reserve and was a development contribution for the Green Avenue residential development. The property has remained a recreation reserve since 1962.
Council recognises the need for additional housing in Levin and wishes to utilise the potential that this land has to offer. The revocation seeks to enable residential development to help meet the housing demand and support the growth and development of housing availability in our community.
Council intends to release the land for housing development in the event that the reserve status is revoked.
Have your say
We'd like to hear your views. Written submissions, including objections, regarding this proposal should be:
Submissions close at 5pm on Tuesday, 2 April 2024.
Horowhenua District Council Resolutions of Revocation of the Reserve Status of Green Avenue - 8 September 2021(PDF, 122KB)

Above: Location map outlining Green Avenue Reserve, Levin.
Once submissions have closed, a report will be presented to Council and a decision will be made about whether to recommend to the Minister that the Reserves Act status for Green Avenue Reserve should be revoked.
Final approval of the revocation lies with the Minister of Conservation.