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June 14, 2021, 04:00 PM
Public Notice under the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991
Proposed Plan Change 5: Waitārere Beach Growth Area
Detailed information of this plan change is available from our Proposed Plan Change 5: Waitārere Beach Growth Area page.
A total of 15 submissions were received on Proposed Plan Change 5.
Summary of Submissions
Public notice is hereby given in accordance with Clause 7 of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991 that the Horowhenua District Council has prepared a summary of all decisions requested by persons making submissions on Proposed Plan Change 5.
The Summary of Submissions report and the full copies of the original submissions are available to view from 28 May 2021 on Council's website and at the following locations during opening hours:
- Horowhenua District Council office: 126 Oxford Street, Levin. Hours: 8am to 5pm on Monday to Friday.
- Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō: 10 Bath Street, Levin. Hours: 9am to 6pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 10am to 9pm on Wednesday, 10am to 4pm on Saturday and 1pm to 4pm on Sunday.
- Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom: 92 Main Street, Foxton. Hours: 10am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm Saturday and Sunday.
- Shannon Library: Plimmer Terrace, Shannon. Hours: 10am to 12 noon, 1pm to 5pm Monday to Friday, 10am to 12 noon Saturday.
Further Submissions
Council is now calling for further submissions in support of, or in opposition to, the submissions that have been received on Proposed Plan Change 5. A further submission is made either in support of, or opposition to, another person’s submission. They must be limited to the matters that were raised in submissions. It gives you the chance to consider the impact an original submission may have on you, and to have your views considered alongside the original submission.
The following people/groups can make a further submission:
- any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest
- any person who has an interest in the Proposed Plan Change that is greater than the interest that the general public has
- Horowhenua District Council itself.
A further submission can only support or oppose submissions that have already been made, and cannot introduce additional matters. Any further submission must clearly state the number of the original submission to which the further submission relates. Please refer to the summary table within the summary of submissions report on Council’s website which outlines the relevant specific point reference (for example 05/00.01).
Further submissions must be made in writing in the form prescribed (Form 6) in the Resource Management (Forms, Fees and Procedure) Regulations 2003. Further submission forms are available from any of the locations referred to above or can be downloaded from our our Proposed Plan Change 5: Waitārere Beach Growth Area page.
IMPORTANT: Any person making a further submission to Proposed Plan Change 5 must send a copy of their further submission on the person who made the original submission within five (5) working days of lodging their further submission with the Council. The address for service for each submitter is included in the summary of submissions report.
The period for making a further submission is 28 May 2021 until 14 June 2021 at 4pm.
Further submissions can be:
Once further submissions have closed, anyone who has made a submission and indicated that they wish to be heard can present their submission at a hearing. The Hearings Committee will consider all relevant matters before making a recommendation to Council for a decision. All submitters will receive formal notice of the decision on the plan changes, including the reasons behind the decision reached. The decision will also be publicly notified. Any person who has made a submission or further submission has the right to appeal the decision on the plan changes to the Environment Court.