Consultation on the Future of the Levin Landfill

No longer on display. Expired on January 31, 2022, 05:00 PM

Horowhenua District Council gives notice that public engagement on the Future of the Levin Landfill opened on Tuesday, 30 November 2021.

The Future of the Levin Landfill Statement of Proposal sets out the options for the future of the Levin Landfill.

Consultation will be in accordance with the Special Consultative Procedure of the Local Government Act 2002.

Engagement opened on Tuesday, 30 November 2021 and closes at 5pm, Monday 31 January 2022.

Have your say

You can provide feedback by completing a The Future of the Levin Landfill submission form. The form is available:

  • online from our The Future of the Levin Landfill page
  • in hard copy from Council’s customer service centres and libraries:
    - Council’s Main Office in Levin (126 Oxford Street, Levin)
    - Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō (10 Bath Street, Levin)
    - Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom (92 Main Street, Foxton)
    - Shannon Library (Plimmer Terrace, Shannon)

Feedback can be:

  • completed online
  • emailed to
  • delivered to Council’s customer service centres
  • posted to Free Post 108609, Horowhenua District Council, The Future of the Levin Landfill, Private Bag 4002, Horowhenua 5540

Further information

Copies of the Statement of Proposal, Supporting Information and submission forms are available on the ‘Have Your Say’ page of Council’s website at The Future of the Levin Landfill page or hard copies are located at Council’s customer service centres and libraries.

Consultation events

Council Officers and Elected Members will be available at consultation events for members of the community to attend and discuss the items in the Statement of Proposal and associated supporting information. The events are as follows:

Monday 13 December 2021
Hōkio Reserve, Hōkio Beach 11am to 2pm

Monday 13 December 2021
Horowhenua District Council, Levin 4pm to 7pm

Tuesday 14 December 2021
Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom, Foxton 10am to 1pm

Tuesday 25 January 2022
Horowhenua District Council, Levin 11am to 2pm

Tuesday 25 January 2022
Hōkio Reserve, Hōkio Beach 4pm to 7pm

Submitters who wish to speak to their submission will have the opportunity to be heard during a hearing held in February 2022.

David Clapperton
Chief Executive Officer

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