No longer on display. Expired on
October 07, 2023, 12:00 AM
To make it safer for tamariki to get to school, and for pedestrians using the area, Horowhenua District Council will be making safety improvements to the following areas:
- Levin East School – Bartholomew Road, south of Bath Street
- Waiopehu College - Bartholomew Road, outside the college
- Parsons Avenue – 100m either side of Parsons Avenue Kindergarten
- Trafalgar Street – 100m either side of Chelsea House Early Childhood Centre
The work will take place during the school holidays in the time period below:
Date: Monday 25 September to Friday 6 October 2023 (depending on weather).
Time: Between 7am and 5pm on weekdays, and occasionally on Saturdays if needed.
Stop-go signs will operate until the project is completed.
Raised safety platforms and safety cushions will be added to reduce traffic speed and make it safer for people to cross the road.
Raised safety platforms will replace the existing pedestrian crossing on Bartholomew Road south of Bath Street, and one outside Waiopehu College, and footpaths will be repaired.
On Parsons Avenue and Trafalgar Street we will be installing rubber speed cushions spaced 70m either side of Parsons Avenue Kindergarten and Chelsea House Early Childhood Centre.
Nearby residents will receive a letter from our contractor (Higgins Contractors, Levin) with more information about these works and details on how you can contact them with any questions you might have.
Thank you for your patience as the work is being undertaken.
We are available on (06) 366 0999 if you have any queries or would like further information.