Reimagining the Levin War Memorial Hall: Have your say
Published on February 18, 2025
Imagine a new-look Levin War Memorial Hall and Village Green with a restaurant, shops, housing, and a village square.
That dream could become a reality if Horowhenua District Council accepts a proposal to redevelop this underutilised part of the Levin Town Centre. Before any final decisions are made, Council wants to hear what the community thinks of the idea.
The Levin War Memorial Hall is deemed an earthquake prone building, meaning it needs to be structurally improved to meet National Building Standards. Last year, recognising the significant investment required to upgrade and maintain the hall, which would otherwise come at a cost to ratepayers, Horowhenua District Council sought proposals that could breathe new life into the Levin War Memorial Hall and Village Green area, at no extra cost to ratepayers.
After an evaluation process, it was decided that one proposed plan aligned with the vision outlined in the 2018 Levin Town Centre Strategy and the desired outcomes for the area. The developer would purchase the land from Council, strengthen and reimagine the memorial hall, create a village square, and reintroduce housing on the Village Green.
The reimagined Levin War Memorial Hall includes a restaurant, craft brewery and retail spaces, as well as the retention of the Freyberg Room for community use, attracting more people to this part of the town centre.
There would be a village square created next to the hall, providing a space that encourages people to spend time, mix and mingle, and support the surrounding activities.
The proposal also includes a three-storey residential building comprising 18 apartments. This part of the plan makes it commercially viable for the developer and is designed to increase vibrancy, safety and security by people using the space and surrounding areas outside of the usual business hours.
Horowhenua District Council Mayor Bernie Wanden says the proposed development could be just what the Levin Town Centre needs.
“With the Ōtaki to North of Levin Expressway due for completion by the end of 2029, we need to do everything we can now to make sure the Levin Town Centre is vibrant and user-friendly for locals and visitors alike. This proposal, if it goes ahead, could play a crucial part in that transformation,” he says.
“Those with a good memory will also note that housing on the Village Green is not a new concept – there were houses there as recently as 1975 and we have seen in other New Zealand cities, that the introduction of housing into the town centre can be beneficial.”
Before any plans are finalised, members of the community are invited to provide feedback on the proposed development. For more information and to have your say, go to Feedback closes at 5pm on Monday 17 March 2025.