Poads Road reservoir moves a step closer

Published on March 21, 2025

Poads Road water storage reservoir project

Horowhenua District Council has applied for resource consents for the Levin Water Supply scheme and associated activities to construct a raw water storage reservoir.  

The reservoir would significantly increase water storage capacity and provide a more resilient water supply for the Levin and Ōhau communities. 

‘This would give us a critical buffer in times of water shortage,’ says Chief Executive Monique Davidson. 

‘We could take water from the Ōhau River when flow rates are high and store it for when the river is running low.’ 

The proposal is to build a 740,000 cubic metre reservoir at Poads Road, near the Levin water treatment plant on Gladstone Road. 

‘The application for resource consents is a significant step towards building this piece of infrastructure, which is crucial for our town’s future,’ says Monique Davidson. 

‘We are one of the fastest-growing districts in the country, and we need to plan ahead for our future water needs. 

‘Before lodging the resource consents at the end of last year we had extensive discussions with our iwi partners, who rightly regard the awa and the whenua as taonga.’  

Resource consents for allocation of water take and construction in or near water bodies are granted by Horizons Regional Council, which has now publicly notified the application. 

A hard copy can be viewed at Horowhenua District Council’s offices on Oxford Street.