Have your say on the proposed Dog Control Policy and Bylaw 2025

Published on March 28, 2025


Grab your leashes and doggie doo bags, it’s time to talk dogs.

The Horowhenua District is home to more than 6000 registered dogs and their owners. Horowhenua District Council is reviewing its Dog Control Policy and Bylaw which set the local rules for owning dogs, providing them with recreational areas, and keeping people safe.

This bylaw and policy were last reviewed in 2015 and under the Local Government Act 2002 must be reviewed every 10 years. The review is a timely opportunity to ensure they are fit for purpose and still suit the needs of the Horowhenua community.

Following pre-engagement with dog owners, Council has drafted changes to the policy and bylaw and is now seeking feedback from the wider community.

Horowhenua District Mayor Bernie Wanden says the Dog Control Policy and Bylaw give Council the tools to let people’s canine companions live their best lives while ensuring the safety of all community members.

“We’d love to hear feedback from the whole community on the proposed policy and bylaw,” he says.

“It’s not just about dog owners and animal welfare, the rules set out in these documents also make sure our animal control officers can effectively deal with issues such as wandering or menacing dogs for the benefit of everyone. We want to know if we’ve got the balance right.”

Specific feedback is sought on the proposed dog exercise areas, Responsible Dog Owner Approval process (formerly Selected Owner Policy) which rewards responsible dog owners with a registration discount, and some other minor changes.

Council would like to know what people think of the Responsible Dog Owner criteria, and whether the proposed leashed and unleashed dog exercise areas are suitable.

Other changes to the policy and bylaw, on which feedback is encouraged, include:

  • Editorial updates such as adding macrons to place names and simplifying language. These do not change the meaning or intent of the documents.
  • Introduction of the requirement to neuter uncontrolled dog(s) that are not kept under control on more than one occasion, and an objection process.
  • Greater clarity on the requirement for dog(s) to be neutered if classified as menacing unless a certificate from a vet is provided.
  • Provision to control female dogs in season from public places, unless being taken to vet.

To read the proposed Dog Control Policy and Bylaw 2025 and have your say, go to letskorero.horowhenua.govt.nz/DogControl. Submissions close at 4pm on Wednesday 30 April.


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