Council votes in favour of reimagined Levin War Memorial Hall

Published on March 27, 2025

Artist's Impression of the reimagined Levin War Memorial Hall and Village Green (subject to change).

The Levin Town Centre Transformation has reached a major milestone and a new-look Levin War Memorial Hall and Village Green, with a concept plan for a restaurant, shops, housing, and a village square, is now one step closer.

During Wednesday’s Horowhenua District Council meeting, a majority of elected members voted to sell the land to The Wellington Company Limited after a month-long community consultation on the proposed redevelopment.

The Levin War Memorial Hall is deemed an earthquake prone building, meaning it needs to be structurally improved to meet National Building Standards. Last year, recognising the significant investment required to upgrade and maintain the hall, Horowhenua District Council sought proposals that could breathe new life into the area.

The Wellington Company Limited’s proposal includes a reimagined War Memorial Hall with a restaurant, craft brewery and retail spaces as well as the retention of the Freyberg Room for community use, a Village Square where people can spend time together, and a three-storey residential building comprising 18 apartments.

During community consultation on the proposal, Council received 339 submissions. 218 supported the reimagined Levin War Memorial Hall, 216 supported the Village Square concept, and 117 supported housing being reintroduced in the area.

Horowhenua District Council Mayor Bernie Wanden says the decision saves ratepayers money, as Council receives the money from the sale of the sites and the burden of future maintenance and strengthening costs associated with the hall are removed.

“Activating the Levin Town Centre is one of Council’s top 12 priorities and this development is a step in the right direction,” he says.

“The fact that developers see Levin as an attractive place to develop is a great vote of confidence and we hope it will be the catalyst for further investment in our district. It is crucial we continue working on positioning Levin as a place to be, as we get closer to the completion of the Ōtaki to North of Levin Highway.”

While there was less support for housing being reintroduced on the site, it is this part of the plan which makes it commercially viable for the developer. The proposal had to be considered as a package, he says.

“We read all the feedback and we take it seriously but we have to also take into account what the alternative option would be. If the proposal did not go ahead, Council would have to find funding to cover the earthquake strengthening needed on the hall by 2028 and the Levin Town Centre Transformation would be delayed. All things considered, we voted that going ahead with the development was the best way forward for our district, and I’m excited to see it take shape.”

The next step is for the Horowhenua District Council chief executive, Monique Davidson to advance the commercial negotiations required to enter into a Sales and Purchase Agreement with The Wellington Company Limited to sell the Levin War Memorial Hall and Village Green properties. Before any agreement is completed, Council have requested an additional step to provide further opportunity for Muaūpoko Tribal Authority and Ngāti Raukawa ki te tonga, to assess the proposal.

Ian Cassels, of The Wellington Company, says: “We are thrilled with the outcome, and the visionary leadership shown by Horowhenua District Council. We genuinely want the best outcome for Horowhenua, and are committed to working with Council and iwi partners to play a transformational role in the future of the Levin Town Centre”. 


Resolution Number  CO/2025/45

MOVED by Cr Grimstone, seconded Cr Jennings:

That Council resolve to sell the Levin War Memorial Hall and Village Green properties to The Wellington Company Limited for the purposes of the Wellington Company Limited’s proposed development.



Resolution Number  CO/2025/46

MOVED by Cr Grimstone, seconded Cr Allan:

That the Chief Executive be delegated authority to continue and advance to the next stages of the commercial negotiations required to enter into a Sales and Purchase Agreement with The Wellington Company Limited, to sell the Levin War Memorial Hall and Village Green properties, and to finalise a Development Agreement between Horowhenua District Council and The Wellington Company Limited for the proposed development.



Resolution Number  CO/2025/47

MOVED by Cr Olsen, seconded Cr Barker:

That as part of these negotiations and ahead of final signing the Chief Executive provide for further engagement with Muaūpoko Tribal Authority and Raukawa ki te tonga to provide an assessment against the proposal to ensure appropriate regard is given to its relationship, culture and traditions with their ancestral land and taonga. Should this work result in significant changes to the scope of the development, or the views of Iwi partners are unable to be resolved, the matter should be brought back to the table for direction.  



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