Council is sticking to what it had planned for the Long Term plan
Published on February 14, 2022
Last week at the Horowhenua District Council meeting, Elected Members decided not to consult with the community on Council's 2022/23 Annual Plan. This Annual Plan will be Year 2 of the Long Term Plan 2021-2041 and the decision not to consult was made because Council is sticking to what it had planned for the Long Term plan, so there are no significant changes to consult on.
“Public consultation on the Long Plan 2021-2041 last year was extensive and very successful,” said Horowhenua District Council’s Interim Chief Executive David Wright. Council received 562 submissions on the consultation of the draft Long Term Plan. Elected Members worked hard to consider and make any decisions on the matters raised by submitters.
"In the years between the Long Term Plans, Annual Plans are developed. These allow us to update information and budgets for the coming year. An Annual Plan covers one financial year and outlines the major projects, activities and services we are undertaking and how these will be paid for," Mr Wright added.
In 2014, an amendment to the Local Government Act 2002 made council consultation requirements for Annual Plans more flexible. One of these amendments removed the requirement for councils to formally consult if there are no significant or material differences proposed for a financial year compared to what was agreed as part of the Long Term Plan.
"While Council has consulted on our Annual Plan most years, consultation can be costly and is a labour intensive process. As there are no significant changes proposed for 2022/23 from the corresponding year in the Long Term Plan we are continuing to deliver what we have already consulted on and agreed with the public. As such Council considered it was appropriate for us to focus on delivering what we have planned," Mr Wright elaborated.
Horowhenua District Council's Mayor Bernie Wanden said, "Community feedback is always important to us and the work that we do. Council's decision not to consult on this year's Annual Plan does not take away the community’s ability to share their vision for the district with Council."
Mayor Bernie said that community members could still request Council to consider new community projects through other means. "We recommend approaching your Elected Members and letting us know yours ideas so that we can bring these to the table for discussion. We will also be consulting on other proposals throughout the year, such as the recent consultation about whether to close the Levin Landfill early, where people can contribute to the development our district."
Officers will now prepare a draft Annual Plan and present it to Council for feedback and refinement. Adoption of the Annual Plan 2022/23 will be in June 2022.