How do we monitor growth?
The Growth Dashboard is published quarterly and brings together information from council, government agencies and the private sector, and is used to provide insight into what is occurring in our district.
March 2021(PDF, 2MB)
November 2020(PDF, 1MB)
September 2020(PDF, 2MB)
March 2020(PDF, 2MB)
December 2019(PDF, 3MB)
September 2019(PDF, 2MB)
Council also contracts the Horowhenua New Zealand Trust to provide quarterly economic reports – the reports can be found on The Horowhenua Company Ltd (THCL) website
Census and Statistics New Zealand

How do we predict growth?
Independent prediction
In 2020, Sense Partners reviewed its predictions in light of COVID-19 and because growth was occurring at a faster rate than predicted.

In 2017, Sense Partners completed the Horowhenua Socio-Economic Predictions report. The report included several predictions for growth. Council considered the report and agreed to take a middle of the road approach to growth adopting the 50th Percentile, which anticipated growth of just 0.8% per annum.
However, since 2015, the growth rate has outstripped predictions and instead is coming in at around the 95th Percentile.
The Sense Partners reports can be viewed below.
Horowhenua Growth Scenarios - Economic Strategy Workshop (June 2020)(PDF, 1018KB)
Horowhenua Socio-Economic projections - Summary and Methods (May 2020)(PDF, 1MB)
Horowhenua Socio-Economic projections - Summary and Methods (July 2017)(PDF, 1MB)