Revocation of Reserve Status - Green Avenue, Levin Horowhenua District Council is proposing to change the use and dispose of land currently held within the Green Avenue Reserve, Levin, with a view to providing the land for sale towards the development of housing that fits the needs of the community. We'd like to hear your views on the proposal. Submissions close at 5pm on 2 April 2024.
Waikawa Pedestrian Bridge Survey The Waikawa Beach footbridge, located at the end of Waikawa Beach Road was built in the 1990s after the previous bridge was washed away. As Council looks at how best to use its budget, we're considering a few options for the bridge's future, including extending the life of the current bridge or replacing it.
The Future of the Levin Landfill | Te Anamata o te Ruapara o Taitoko Council is reviewing the future of the Levin Landfill and is seeking your views before deciding on this important matter. Inside the Statement of Proposal, you'll find the reasons for reviewing the future of the Levin Landfill and possible options for its future management for you to consider and provide us with feedback.
Horowhenua Water Services Delivery - Planning for the Future We have to make some big decisions about how water services will be delivered to our community in the future, and are keen to hear what's important to you about how water services are delivered. Feedback will close at 5pm on Friday 22 November 2024.
Horowhenua (Māori) Ward Horowhenua District Council would like your feedback on the Horowhenua (Māori) Ward.
Proposed Public Places Bylaw 2024 Horowhenua District Council would like your feedback on our proposed Public Places Bylaw 2024.
Proposed Land Transport Bylaw 2024 Horowhenua District Council would like your feedback on our proposed Land Transport Bylaw 2024.
Community Wellbeing Strategy 2024-27 Our vision is a safe, vibrant, inclusive and connected community, and through the Community Wellbeing Strategy 2024-27 we’re setting out how we will build stronger communities in the next few years.
Proposal to Dispose of the Foxton War Memorial Hall Horowhenua District Council is seeking your feedback on three proposed options for the future of the Foxton War Memorial Hall.
Long Term Plan 2024-2044 Consultation Let's Kōrero about the Long Term Plan (LTP), provide feedback and contribute to the future of Horowhenua.
Waikawa Beach Vehicle Access Horowhenua District Council would like your feedback on the Waikawa Beach Vehicle Access. Feedback is open until 4pm on Tuesday 20 February 2024.
Resident Satisfaction Surveys Have your say - how are we doing? Each year we ask our community to provide feedback on Council services and community facilities. We use this feedback to understand what's working well and where we can improve.
Proposed Freedom Camping Bylaw Horowhenua District Council would like your feedback on our proposed Freedom Camping Bylaw.
Proposed Rates Remission & Postponement Policy The Proposed Rates Remission and Postponement Policy aims to provide ratepayers in Horowhenua with some financial assistance, where they might otherwise have difficulty meeting their obligations to pay rates. It also addresses circumstances where the way we have decided to rate (the rating system) results in anomalies.
Let's plan for our future together! Council is just getting started on planning the Long Term Plan (LTP), and we want to check in and hear from you about what you think should be included.
Safer speeds in our neighbourhoods We're making our roads safer in Horowhenua for everyone, whether you're getting your children to school, driving in streets or visiting another busy area.
Notified Resource Consent: Notable Plane Trees on Oxford Street, Levin Horowhenua District Council has received a Resource Consent application for the removal of 27 Notable Plane Trees planted along Oxford Street, Levin for consideration. These plane trees have Notable Tree status under the Horowhenua District Plan. Submissions must be made in writing on Form 13 by 4.45pm on Tuesday 2 May 2023.
Long Term Plan Amendment (LTPA) & Annual Plan (AP) Let's Kōrero about the Long Term Plan (LTP), provide feedback and contribute to the future of Horowhenua.
Butterfly Walkway As part of our Long Term Plan 2021-2041 community engagement, we were asked to consider creating a Butterfly Walkway for Horowhenua. Feedback closed at 5pm on Friday 15 July 2022.
Alcohol (Liquor) Bylaw Review We’re reviewing our current Alcohol (Liquor) Bylaw 2015 and seeking your feedback on a proposed Alcohol Control Bylaw. Submissions closed on 22 July 2022 5.00pm.
Proposed Fees and Charges 2022/2023: Food Act and Resource Consenting Council is proposing to set a range of fees to apply for Food businesses operating under the Food Act 2014 and Resource Consenting (Planning) Services under the Resource Management Act 1991. Submissions closed at 5pm on Friday 13 May 2022.
Draft Gambling Class 4 Venue and TAB Venue Policy 2021 Review We're working towards a safe, vibrant, inclusive and connected community. We sought feedback on proposed amendments to our Class 4 Gambling and TAB Venue Policy in 2021/2022. This policy regulates the location and number of TAB venues, as well as regulating venues that house gaming machines (Class 4 venues).
Your Choice - Representation Review | Arotakenga Manapori 2021 Council’s decision to introduce Māori Wards in May 2021 triggered the requirement to undertake a representation review this year. Find out what representation for the district looks like going forward.
Proposed Fees & Charges 2021/22: Food Act 2014 & Resource Consenting Council is proposing to set a range of fees to apply for Food businesses operating under the Food Act 2014 and Resource Consenting (Planning) Services under the Resource Management Act 1991. Submissions close at 5pm on Friday 14 May 2021.
Should Horowhenua Introduce a Māori Ward? As part of a wider review of political arrangements for elections in October 2022, Horowhenua District Council consulted with the community about whether or not a Māori Ward should be established in April/May 2021.
Proposed Plan Change 5: Waitārere Beach Growth Area (Withdrawn) Proposed Plan Change 5 focused on rezoning an area of land to the east of the existing Waitārere Beach settlement. At its meeting on 13 December 2023, Council resolved to withdraw this proposed plan change for a number of reasons, meaning the existing Operative District Plan provisions remain in place.
Proposed Plan Change 4: Tara-Ika Growth Area Proposed Plan Change 4 rezoned a 420ha area of land immediately to the east of Levin from Greenbelt Residential (Deferred) to a variety of urban zones (including residential and commercial). Following the resolution of appeals to the Environment via mediation, this Plan Change becomes operative on 26 March 2024 and has been fully incorporated into the District Plan.
Long Term Plan 2021–2041: Growing Our Future Together We're seeking your feedback on the 2021-41 Long Term Plan Consultation Document to help us set out what we're going to do over the next 20 years. Submissions closed at 4pm on 19 April 2021.
Holben / Te Wharangi Reserve Concept Development Plan Horowhenua District Council has finalised the design of the concept plan on the long-term development of Holben / Te Wharangi Reserve, one of Foxton Beach’s most popular parks.
Taraika Master Plan The Master Plan will enable the development of approximately 2,500 houses (at a range of different section sizes), a small commercial area, new parks and reserves, and education opportunities on 420 hectares on the south-east edge of Levin.
Donnelly Park Area Development We’re seeking input from the community on the future development of two of our district’s most popular parks – Donnelly Park and Kōwhai Park. Growth in the district and wider region makes it timely to future-proof these parks.
Horowhenua Integrated Transport Strategy The Horowhenua Integrated Transport Strategy (HITS) will recognise the district's changing travel demands and address its transport challenges over the next 30 years.
Draft Shannon Reserves Management Plan Horowhenua District Council is seeking public feedback on its Draft Shannon Reserves Management Plan.