Community Outcomes | Ngā Putanga Hapori

Horowhenua District Council's Community Outcomes were developed with our community as part of the 2021-2041 Long Term Plan, and updated as part of the Long Term Plan 2024-2044.

The outcomes and associated bullet points listed below are in no particular order.

Vibrant Economy

Long Term Plan 2021-2041 Community Outcome - Vibrant Economy.
  • We are business friendly.
  • We will work with others to enable our economy to grow.
  • We support diversity and resilience in our local economy.
  • We aspire for economic security for all of our people.
  • We seize growth opportunities for our district.


Outstanding Environment

Long Term Plan 2021-2041 Community Outcome - Outstanding Environment.
  • We contribute to improving our natural environment for current and future generations to enjoy.
  • Our communities are able to access and enjoy natural areas and public spaces.
  • We recognise and protect the important natural features in our district.
  • We ensure our built environment supports the wellbeing of our people.
  • We minimise waste.
  • We manage competing pressures on resources sustainably.


Fit for purpose Infrastructure

Long Term Plan 2021-2041 Community Outcome - Fit for purpose Infrastructure.
  • We develop and maintain facilities and infrastructure to meet the needs of current and future generations.
  • We provide efficient, reliable and affordable infrastructure.
  • We work with partners to develop infrastructure that enables growth.
  • Our community facilities and infrastructure are resilient, helping us to respond to climate change and natural hazards.


Partnership with Tangata Whenua

Long Term Plan 2021-2041 Community Outcome - Partnership with Tangata Whenua.
  • We will uphold Te Tiriti o Waitangi | The Treaty of Waitangi and its principles.
  • We build mutually respectful partnerships with tangata whenua.
  • We support Mana Whenua to maintain and enhance tikanga with their ancestral lands and waterways, wāhi tapu and other taonga.
  • We support whanau, marae, hapū and iwi in achieving their aspirations.
  • We recognise the role of Mana Whenua as kaitiaki of their rohe.


Strong Communities

Long Term Plan 2021-2041 Community Outcome - Strong Communities.
  • We value the diversity of our people.
  • We recognise the value of our district’s heritage and its contribution to our communities sense of identity and pride.
  • We take an inclusive approach and encourage our people to participate in local decision making.
  • We provide infrastructure and services as a foundation for resilient and connected communities.
  • We build collaborative relationships with service providers to help enable all of our people to live positive, connected and healthy lifestyles.
  • We help create facilities and places where people of all ages and backgrounds feel included, safe and connected.