Housing Action Plan


Horowhenua is one of the fastest growing districts in Aotearoa and that has placed increasing pressure on housing and families.  Housing is one of the six focus areas of the Community Wellbeing Committee, under the Community Wellbeing Strategy. 

A multi-sector Housing Forum and working group framework was initiated through the Community Wellbeing Committee in March 2019 to drive the development of a Housing Action Plan.

Ongoing reporting against the Housing Action Plan has been discussed by the Community Wellbeing Committee with a quarterly update proposed to accompany the measurement of the Community Wellbeing Strategy and Community and Social Development Action Plan.

Housing Action Plan(PDF, 7MB)

Affordable Housing Framework

The Housing Action Plan seeks to streamline and realign the focus and intent of the plan, considering the macro-economic changes that have occurred since the plan's inception in 2019. The ‘Plan on A Page’ Affordable Housing Framework adds new deliverables and measures, focused on aspects that Council can more directly enable and influence. The principle of the framework is to concentrate the effort towards those initiatives able to provide the greatest impact from 2024 onwards.

Community wellbeing remains at the forefront to the ‘Affordable Housing Framework’. The alignment of the Affordable Housing Framework will become a regular feature of the “Build Horowhenua” Forum and the Community Wellbeing Committee.

The original Housing Action Plan was community driven and the intent is to retain all aspects of the original plan, refocusing the effort into those aspects which can deliver affordable housing options for our community in the shortest timeframes possible. The aim is to improve the visibility and reporting of the plan and to ensure that any initiative being established in the community around affordable housing opportunity is directly aligned to the needs of our community.

Affordable Housing Framework(PDF, 90KB)