Horowhenua 2040 Blueprint
The Horowhenua 2040 Blueprint (Blueprint), adopted by Council on 11 May 2022, details 12 action areas Council is committed to improving, with liveability and prosperity at the heart of the work being prioritised.
The actions are wide-ranging and include enabling more affordable housing choices, supporting and enabling iwi aspirations, securing jobs in key sectors, attracting more visitors with a strong district identity, nurturing and promoting a food culture and keeping the district moving.
The Blueprint serves to give effect to the values and aspirations articulated in the Horowhenua 2040 Strategy (H2040) and the suite of supporting Horowhenua District Council strategies, and is essentially the implementation strategy for H2040 and the supporting strategies.
View the Horowhenua 2040 Blueprint(PDF, 4MB)
View the Horowhenua 2040 Blueprint Two-page Summary(PDF, 619KB)
Blueprint Vision
"Horowhenua has resilient neighbourhoods and communities with pathways to skills, jobs, and affordable housing.
Horowhenua is a favoured destination for visitors and new residents who wish to add to the district’s prosperity and wellbeing."
Purpose of the Blueprint
The core purpose of the Blueprint is to define a series of prioritised actions which:
- are consistent with the H2040 vision.
- align with Council plans and policies.
- support a coordinated approach to growth and infrastructure provision.
- have a strong economic and employment logic.
- address housing affordability.
- recognise Iwi values and aspirations.
The Horowhenua 2040 Blueprint is closely linked to our Horowhenua 2040 Strategy. The strategy can be viewed on our Horowhenua 2040 Strategy page.