Significance and Engagement Policy

Kaupapahere mō te Whai Hiranga me te Toro Iwi

Horowhenua District Council's Significance and Engagement Policy, adopted on 26 June 2024, outlines Council's general approach to determining the significance of proposals and decisions.

The purpose of this policy is to make sure Council takes a consistent and transparent approach in determining the significance (importance) of a decision and the appropriate level of engagement for that decision. It is also to help the community anticipate and understand the approach of Council to decision making.

Engagement gives Council an opportunity to strengthen relationships with our communities. It brings the “power of the people” into decision-making by enabling communities to have their views heard and considered. It enables Council and the community to work together on issues that matter to our district.

What's included in the policy

This policy includes procedures, criteria and some thresholds Council will use in assessing which issues, proposals, decisions and other matters are significant. It also lists assets Council considers to be strategic assets.

The 2024 amendments to the Policy were the addition of thresholds for significance, and to update wording in a number of places to provide greater clarity and to ensure it is current regarding community preferences, engagement methods, explaining what a 'whole of asset' approach means in more detail, and when Council may not engage.

The policy also highlights when something is significant how Council will engage with the community. This will be in line with Council's commitment to principle-based approach to community engagement, to respect the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi / The Treaty and be authentic, transparent, responsive, consistent, inclusive and collaborative.

Significance and Engagement Policy | Kaupapahere mō te Whai Hiranga me te Toro Iwi 2024(PDF, 2MB)