Finance & Commercial

  • 16 May 2023: Council services / amenities required and provided(PDF, 631KB)
    Request for information regarding what services or amenities Council is either required by law to provide to taxpayers / residents / ratepayers or provides under its own directives or initiatives, eg maintenance of public grassed areas / parks, cleaning of roads and streets etc.
  • 1 March 2023: 2022 Ratepayers Report(PDF, 821KB)
    Request for information about the average residential and non-residential rates, personnel, audit and risk oversight, payments to third parties and debt for the 2021/2022 Financial Year. 
  • 7 February 2023: Independent Hearings Commissioner hourly rates(PDF, 600KB)
    Request for information about the hourly rate Council pays for chairs and members of hearing panels, the pay range if it's not a set rate, if it is a set rate whether it's set by Council, and whether travel, accommodation, or flights are paid for or on-charged to applicants. 
  • 11 January 2023: Council Artwork(PDF, 768KB)
    Request for information about the total value of all artwork (including sculptures) currently owned by Council, what percentage of this comes from artworks currently displayed for the public to enjoy, how much Council has spent over the last three years on artwork and what is the most expensive piece of artwork Council owns (value and where displayed). 
  • 7 October 2022: New Zealand urban water pricing data(PDF, 2MB)
    Request for information for each water supply managed by Horowhenua District Council, including water sources used; number of household services from each source; population serviced from each source; the volume of water available/produced at each source; fixed costs of water supplied per cubed/per litre; variable and/or marginal costs of water supplied per meter cubed/per litre and how these are calculated; storage capacity; proportion of recycled water (if any); proportion of leakage; volume of water consumption; households using water tanks; dates and water restrictions imposed; how water charges are structured, details on fixed and variable charges for water users and whether they differ for household/commercial use, whether a separate charge is used for water in/out, when water pricing was introduced including the rationale; the goals of water service provision and water pricing including who sets the pricing; the number of water users in each pricing scheme (if more than one) and the volume of water consumption; whether household, commercial and industry water users pay different prices per unit of water and if so what those prices are; installation and use of water meters including smart meters; any incentives that are in place for households to collect rainwater; any financial assistance for low-income households; any co-governance considerations; evidence of monitoring and enforcement in cases where metering is not present; and example documents of a bill sent to households and commercial water users.
  • 31 May 2022: New signs and tarsealing of Marae entrance ways across the district(PDF, 532KB)
    Request for information regarding where HDC declares that zero funding has come from Horowhenua District Council rates as payment for new signage and tarsealing of entrance ways with approximately a week of traffic control (at least on SH1) yet LTSA suggest local councils are aware and involved, what the truth is. 
  • 30 May 2022: 2021 Ratepayers Report(PDF, 606KB)
    Request for information about the average residential and non-residential rates, personnel, audit and risk oversight, and payments to third parties for the 2020/2021 Financial Year. 
  • 19 April 2022: Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ)(PDF, 543KB)
    Request for information about how much is budgeted for and allocated by Horowhenua District Council to LGNZ each quarter/last financial year and the next financial year, what it pays for and how ratepayers benefit from this usage. 
  • 23 September 2021: Media Enquiry - Contractor spending since 2016(PDF, 609KB)
    Media enquiry regarding how much money Council has spent on contractors/paying external companies or persons to do work for Council since 2016, categorised for each year and which department the contracting was for.
  • 1 September 2021: Rates Increase - Comparison to other Councils(PDF, 628KB)
    Request for information about how HDC's capital expenditure compares nationally, how its total expenditure compares nationally and the average rates increases per annum for the last five years (2016/17 to 2020/21) expressed as a percentage.
  • 5 July 2021: Units added to the Rating Database(PDF, 601KB)
    Request for accurate evidence of units added to the rating database and the number of units approved (consented for building) in subdivisions that will be used to develop rating and financing information in Long Term Plans.
  • 30 March 2021: 2021 Ratepayers Report(PDF, 790KB)
    Request for information about the average residential and non-residential rates, personnel, audit and risk oversight and payments to third parties for the 2019/2020 Financial Year. 
  • 3 March 2021: Revenue and Finance Policy(PDF, 675KB)
    Questions relating to the preparation of the Long Term Plan (LTP) 2021-2041 and the reviewing of the Revenue and Finance Policy, including how often the review is required and when it was last performed.
  • 19 January 2021: Stormwater system - Trackside Village at 91 Mako Mako Road, Levin(PDF, 1MB)
    Request for information regarding the stormwater system at Trackside Village, including whether there was a system build (or paid for) by the Village and was it transferred to Council, and a breakdown of income received from the targeted rates applied to the Village against all expenditure on the relevant stormwater system.
  • 12 October 2020: HDC Property Strategy & Asset Sale(PDF, 2MB)
    Request for all evidence that the strategy for sale of the Oxford Street properties, Durham Street and Roe, Cambridge industrial blocks properties was made in accordance with the Horowhenua District Council Property Strategy (November 2015).
  • 6 October 2020: Properties held by Horowhenua District Council(PDF, 576KB)
    Request for a list of all commercial and non-commercial property assets held by HDC as of 1 July 2015 and all land-based assets, commercial and non-commercial purchased or sold by HDC during the period 1 July 2015 and 30 June 2018.