Environment, Parks & Reserves

  • 9 November 2023: Waikawa Beach Road Project(PDF, 623KB)
    Request for information about the Waikawa Beach Road Project including why the stated landowner isn't the entity that has to apply in the event the project does advance to resource consent stage, the established access route, how the project reflects Council's commitment to Climate Change resilience, whether its Council's intention to promote roads to beaches as part of its 'growth' agenda, whether the expected increase in traffic going to the beach would be included in any resource consent application if made, and project costs.
  • 24 October 2023: Trees on Winchester Street, Levin(PDF, 2MB)
    Request for information about the total spend on tree trimming, tree removal, footpath repair and any other relevant cost to Winchester Street, Levin over the last 12 months, the total cost of trimming these trees under power lines, estimated cost of removing them and the number of complaints filed about them.
  • 18 August 2023: Analysis of exotic plantations versus indigenous forests(PDF, 13MB)
    Request for copies of all reports and minutes held by Horowhenua District Council relating to any analysis conducted or proposed of the relative benefits and disadvantages, including economic, environmental and social considerations of your local body investment in or development of exotic plantations versus indigenous forests.
  • 16 June 2023: Levin Landfill gas capture(PDF, 3MB)
    Request for information about landfill gas capture at the Levin Landfill, including the quantity of gas capture, average proportion of methane in the gas collected, composition of waste disposed to landfill, methane emissions measurements using emissions detection technologies and how efficiency rates are determined.
  • 26 April 2023: Work carried out by Boffa Miskell relating to Waikawa Beach Access(PDF, 5MB)
    Request for a copy of the terms of reference or commissioning document for the work carried out by Boffa Miskell, whether the Strathnaver Coastal Natural Character Area will be taken into account, and whether there have been any discussions or consultation with Ngāti Wehi Wehi with regard to the work on possible options for the provision of road access to Waikawa Beach.
  • 17 May 2022: Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss(PDF, 562KB)
    Request for information about whether Council has a climate change strategy and biodiversity strategy, an implementation plan for these strategies and how outcomes are measured relating to the achievement (or not) of the objectives of the strategies; has Council mapped its Significant Natural Areas (SNAs) and are they in its District Plan, how many SNAs have been identified in the Horowhenua District and the total area these represent, how many consents have been issued to allow for vegetation clearance and how many have been declined in the last five years, does Council have vegetation clearance rules that enable identification of additional SNAs through the consenting process and how often are SNAs monitored.
  • 30 March 2022: Waikawa Beach's new toilets and changing shed, Hank Edwards Reserve, Waikawa Beach(PDF, 542KB)
    Request for details of the new amenity following a media release, for example will it have toilets, including the total dimension of the toilet block, whether it will be unisex or separate male/female facilities, provision made for disabled people, indoor showers as well as outdoor showers, are the toilets/changing room separate from or part of the covered BBQ/outdoor table area, beach population and projected users total, and costs for the BBQ/picnic table area and the changing room/toilets/showers etc.
  • 28 January 2022: Planting costs at Waikawa Beach (January 2014 to December 2021)(PDF, 670KB)
    Request for spending data on how much Council paid for plants (spinifex and pīngao, other) for the plantings near and around the beach end of the track off Reay Mackay Grove, between 1 January 2014 and 10 December 2021 and how much Council paid in total on associated costs, eg vehicle use, staff time, pest and weed control, stakes and tapes, planting day BBQ, and so on.
  • 9 November 2021: Fossil fuel use in Council(PDF, 632KB)
    Request for a list of all facilities, as well as administrative and miscellaneous buildings owned or administered by Horowhenua District Council that burn fossil fuels or that are heated by fossil fuels burned offsite (for example, in an energy centre that supplies heat to Council's facility), with a breakdown for each such facility of fossil fuel type, region, size of heat plant (MW), CO2 emissions, and any Discharge to Air consents held for this activity.
  • 1 April 2021: Climate Change Commission Submission(PDF, 1MB)
    Request for Council's submission to the Climate Change Commission and information about which advisors or consultants, if any, Council used in relation to the submission and how much was paid for their services.
  • 4 February 2021: Marine & Coastal Area - Waikanae River to Whangaehu River(PDF, 4MB)
    Questions relating to the marine and coastal area that runs from the mouth of the Waikanae River to the mouth of the Whangaehu River including whether there are any extractive activities within this area and whether any stormwater or sewerage outlets discharge onto this area, and if so where they are located.
  • 3 July 2019: Gate at Lake Horowhenua(PDF, 448KB)
    Request for information about whether an instruction was given to open the gate at Lake Horowhenua on the night of 30 June 2019.