Paying Us


It's easy to make a payment to Horowhenua District Council with a range of options available for applications, rates, water, debtor accounts (invoices) and infringements (fines).

A full list of our current fees and charges can be viewed on our Fees and Charges section.

Direct Debit for Rates and Water (preferred)

Direct Debit is our preferred payment method for Rates and Water (Waterbilling), with fortnightly, monthly, quarterly and on instalment due date direct debits available.

Direct debits save time and the risk of late payment fees as they're run by Council. There are no fees for this service.

Set up a Direct Debit

Download and complete the Direct Debit Authority Form below and return it to Horowhenua District Council, along with independent bank verification of your bank account details - this can be an electronic copy of a bank deposit slip, a portion of your bank statement or other documentation from your bank eg 'Proof of account' from your online banking app.

HDC Rates & Water Direct Debit Authority Form(PDF, 112KB)

Once you have the completed form and bank account verification, you can:

You'll receive confirmation once the direct debit is set up, detailing the first payment date for your direct debit.

For rates, each year the direct debit will be recalculated to take into account the new rates.

You can cancel a direct debit authority at any time by contacting Council within five (5) business days of a scheduled payment.

Credit / Debit Card or POLi for Rates

You can pay your rates by Visa or MasterCard credit card or debit card, or by POLi. To make a payment using this method please visit our Rates Payments Online page. No additional fees are charged to payees for this service.

Internet Banking, Automatic Payments or Phone Banking

You can pay your rates, water, debtor accounts (invoices) and infringements (fines) by internet or telephone banking. You can also set up an automatic payment at a frequency that suits you, however if there's still money owing when you receive your invoice you'll need to pay the balance.

Make sure you enter Council's account details correctly, as follows:

  • Account name: Horowhenua District Council
  • Bank: BNZ
  • Account number: 02-0668-0070607-02

Note: You'll need to set up a separate payment for each account you hold to make sure your payment is credited to the correct account.

If you've made an application, no action will be taken on this until payment has been receipted by Council and matched to your application. We recommend you email details of your online payment to us to speed up this process.

If you’re unsure about the information you need, please contact us on 06 366 0999 or email us at

Pay your rates

Enter the correct information in each of the fields your bank provides, so we can identify your payment and ensure it’s receipted correctly.

Particulars  Code Reference
Your last name and initials
eg ‘BrownRW’
Property address
eg ‘126 Oxford Street’
'RT-' followed by your assessment number.
Tip: You can find this on the top, right-hand side of your Rates Invoice.

Pay your water billing

Enter the correct information in each of the fields your bank provides, so we can identify your payment and ensure it’s receipted correctly.

Particulars Code Reference
Your last name and initials
eg ‘BrownRW’
Property address
eg ‘126 Oxford Street’
'WB-' followed by your assessment number.
Tip: You can find this number on the top, right-hand side of your Water Consumption Rate Invoice.

Pay an invoice for a Resource Consent

Enter the correct information in each of the fields your bank provides, so we can identify your payment and ensure it’s receipted correctly.

Particulars Code Reference
Invoice Number Debtor No.
eg 123456.12

Resource Consent application number
eg 'LUC/2021/123/456'
Tip: You can find this number in the description.

Pay an invoice

Enter the correct information in each of the fields your bank provides, so we can identify your payment and ensure it’s receipted correctly.

Particulars Code Reference
Invoice Number Your last name and initials (or company name)
eg 'BrownRW' 

 '11-' followed by debtor account number 
eg '11-123456.12'
Tip: You can find this number on the top, right-hand side of your invoice

Pay a parking fine

Enter the correct information in each of the fields your bank provides, so we can identify your payment and ensure it’s receipted correctly.

Particulars Code Reference
Your last name and initials
eg ‘BrownRW’
Car registration number, eg 'XYZ123'

'2-' followed by the Infringement Notice (fine) number.
eg '2-123476'
Tip: You can find this number at the top of the Infringement Notice.

Pay an invoice for something else

Enter the correct information in each of the fields your bank provides, so we can identify your payment and ensure it’s receipted correctly.

Particulars Code Reference
Your last name and initials
eg ‘BrownRW’

Property Address if applicable
eg '126 Oxford Street'

Brief description of the payment
eg 'Permit'

In person

Payment by cash or EFTPOS can be made at our Main Office (Levin) or our Service Centres (Foxton and Shannon). View our Visiting Us page for locations and opening hours.

Rates payments can also be made at any NZ Post Shop.