Emily 14-16


Tēnā kotou katoa

Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Taupiri te maunga
Ko Waikato te awa
Ko Ngati Te Ata te iwi
Ko Te Puia te Marae

Ko Emily toku ingoa

I love the Horowhenua as being here has helped me discover and learn about my culture and all things Te Ao Māori, under the guidance of both experienced kura and kapa haka kaiako. I have become a strong, resilient and proud rangatahi, who is looking forward to furthering my journey in Te Ao Māori in the Horowhenua.


All of the We are Horowhenua photos will on display around Levin. View Map
If you want to see this photo up close and personal, visit Muaupoko Tribal Authority Office Office – Oxford Street.