Ihakara Gardens, Foxton


Presented to the citizens of Foxton by Te Aputa Ihakara, Karaitiana Te Ahu and Rangiahuta Pataka on 11 July 1919.

The cemetery in the gardens is the oldest used by Europeans in the Manawatu and is one of the few reminders of Te Awahou Village. The graves, marked and unmarked, are those of noteworthy Māori and Europeans and the gardens are symbolic of the peaceful relations that have existed between Māori and Pakeha in the Manawatu.

Situated in central Foxton, this area will appeal to those with an interest in history. Ihakara Gardens is situated at the northern end of Main Street, with Seaview Gardens at the southern end.


North end of Main St, Foxton, Foxton 4184  View Map

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