FAQs - Grants

We've put together some common questions we receive from our community about Grants and the corresponding answers.

11 Result(s) Found

Whether your grant is approved or declined, we will let you know the outcome within 14 days following the Funding and Recognition Subcommittee meeting – this will be by email.

If you are successful, you will then be sent a letter of intent which must be completed and signed before the funds are paid to you.

Funding awarded will vary, but for the majority of HDC funds the average grant approved is between $500 and $3,000.  Please read the criteria for each Council Facilitated fund for average grant approved.

If your requirement for funding is not eligible for HDC facilitated funds, there are many other funding agencies that may be able to assist you. You can download our Grants and Funding Guide which has a list of funding agencies and what they fund.

You are able to apply as often as you like to our grants, however, you must have completed your accountability form before being able to apply again.

Council Officers prepare the applications for the Community Funding and Recognition Committee.  This involves checking that the application is complete and that it meets the grant criteria.

The Community and Funding Recognition Committee then receive a report for each of the grants with all of the applications attached.  The Committee is given one week to review all the applications before they meet.

This is the important part! The Committee members meet during April and September to discuss all of the applications and the allocation of the funds. The Councillors debate and vote for who the funds should go to. We want to support as many community organisations as possible with our funding which is why we ask you to tell us the minimum amount you need to fund your project. The Committee has the hard job of weighing up the benefits and impacts of each project on our community.

After the hui, the Council Officers input the Committee’s decisions into our system for our records and for processing. We then generate letters which we send out via email to all applicants letting you know if you have been successful or not.

If you are successful, you will receive a link back to the Horowhenua District Council Smarty Grants portal to complete your Letter of Intent, a short document confirming that you still intend to use the funds.

Once we have received your Letter of Intent, the Council Officers will process your grant for payment. If you are a GST registered organisation, we will ask you to send us an invoice which we will pay within 14 days of receiving it. If you are not GST-registered, we will not require an invoice and you will be paid within 14 days.

The Horowhenua District Council operates and administers a number of Grant funds as follows:

Grants that are open annually for funding:

Grants that are open six-monthly:

Special Purpose funding:

Grants that are open year round:

Visit our Council Facilitated Grants page to see more information about each of the grants and opening and closing dates to apply.

You are only able to start spending the funds once you have completed, signed and returned the letter of intent.

Council will not accept any payments made prior to notification of approval of funding.

The following grants are allocated a sum of money that is set aside in the HDC budget on an annual basis:

The Creative Communities Scheme – each year Creative NZ provides funding to HDC to distribute in the region to help fund local arts projects.

Shannon Community Development Trust – is a charitable trust.  The interest earned from the capital of the trust fund is allocated towards funding projects and individuals that benefit the Shannon Community only.

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