Creative Communities Fund

Horowhenua District Council administers the Creative Communities NZ Scheme (CCS) on behalf of Creative New Zealand.

Purpose of the Fund

CCS helps to fund local arts projects. Each year CCS provides funding to the Horowhenua District Council to distribute in our region. 

Funding rounds

This fund will be open for two funding rounds in the 2024-2025 financial year

  • Round 1 opens 1 August 2024 and closes 10 September 2024 at 11.59pm,
    Applicants will be notified of decisions late October 2024
  • Round 2 opens 1 February 2025 and closes on 10 March 2025 at 11.59pm,
    Applicants will be notified of decisions late April 2025 and Events must start after 1 May 2025

Apply online

Who can apply?

Individuals or groups can apply for CCS funding. (Individuals must be New Zealand citizens or permanent residents).

If you have already received funding from CCS for a project, you must complete a report on that project before making another application, unless the project is still in progress.

Is my project eligible to apply?

To be eligible for funding through CCS your arts project must support at least one of the following:

Access and Participation

Create opportunities for local communities to engage with, and participate in.

Examples of projects for Access and Participation include:

  • Performances by community choirs, hip-hop groups, theatre companies or poets
  • Workshops on printmaking, writing, dancing or other creative forms
  • Exhibitions by local craft groups promoting weaving, pottery and carving
  • Festivals featuring local artist
  • Creation of a community film or a public artwork by a community
  • Development of new tukutuku, whakairo or kowhaiwhai for a local marae
  • Artist residencies involving local artists or communities
  • Seminars for local artist development.


Support the diverse artistic cultural traditions of local communities

Examples of projects for Diversity include:

  • Workshops, rehearsals, performances, festivals or exhibitions in Maori or Pasifika heritage art forms
  • Workshops, rehearsals, performances, festivals or exhibitions by local migrant communities
  • Arts projects bringing together groups from a range of different communities
  • Workshops, rehearsals, performances, festivals or exhibitions by groups with experience of disability or mental illness.

Young people

Enable young people (under 18 years) to engage with, and participate in the arts.

Examples of projects for Young people include:

  • A group of young people working with an artist to create a mural or street art
  • A group of young people creating a film about an issue that is important to them
  • Printing a collection of writing by young people
  • Music workshops for young people
  • An exhibition of visual art work by young people

What costs can I get funded for?

  • Materials for arts activities or programmes
  • Venue or equipment hire
  • Personnel and administrative costs for short-term projects
  • Promotion and publicity of arts activities.

How much can I apply for?

There is no limit to how much you can apply for, most CCS grants are under $2,000.

What types of projects and costs cannot be funded?

Projects that cannot get CCS funding:

  • Fundraising activities
  • Developing galleries, marae, theatres or other venues or facilities
  • Local council projects
  • Projects that are mainly focused on other areas e.g. health, education or the environment and that only have a very small arts component
  • Arts projects in schools or other education institutions that are the core business of that institution or that are normally funded through curriculum or operating budgets

Costs that cannot get CCS funding:

  • Ongoing administration or personnel costs that are not related to the specific project Costs for projects already started or completed Travel costs to attend performances or exhibitions in other areas
  • Buying equipment, such as computers, cameras, musical instruments, costumes, lights or uniforms
  • Entry fees for competitions, contests and exams
  • Prize money, awards and judges’ fees for competitions
  • Royalties
  • Buying artworks for collections
  • Debt or interest on debt 

Please note: Where any of the above costs are included in a CCS application, the applicant will need to be able to cover these costs from project income other than CCS funding, eg ticket sales or fundraising.

Creative Communities Scheme Brochure

For more information, please read the Application Guide. 

Creative Communities Scheme - Application Guide(PDF, 368KB)

Brochures are available for download in eleven languages on the Creative communities Scheme Online Hub

Creative Communities Logo Use

Use of the Creative Communities Scheme logo in marketing material is required by successful applicants. This logo is available for downloading below. For instructions on how to use the logo, please visit the Creative New Zealand website.

Applicant Instructions

  1. Applicants must complete all questions on their application, supplying copies of all supporting documentation. Where there is missing information or documentation the applicant should explain why. Incomplete applications may result in a request for financial assistance being declined. While the grant remains open for applications, Council Officers may attempt to give applicants an opportunity to rectify missing elements but no guarantee is given in this regard and no request for extra information infers eligibility for a grant. 

  2. All successful applicants are accountable for Council funding according to the below terms and conditions. No less than nine (9) months after funding is awarded, successful applicants must have completed the project and the requisite accountability form, attaching copies of all receipts (A receipt is required for any budget line item amounting to $250 or more). 

  3. Failure to provide adequate and timely reporting on funding may preclude further applications to grants administered by the Horowhenua District Council (HDC). 

  4. Any significant changes to the proposed project must be advised to the fund administrator immediately. Where partial funding is granted, unless otherwise expressed in writing, the applicant agrees (when uplifting the grant) that reduced funding will not affect the project as described in the application, despite shortfall. 

  5. If the application is successful, recognition of Horowhenua District Council's fund must be made in any advertising or promotion of the applicant's project. Applicants should attach all supporting documentation that could assist the Horowhenua Community Funding and Recognition Committee in their selection process. 

  6. In all cases applicants must include: 
  • Written quotes for each expense item in your project budget that have a cost of over $250. Local suppliers should be used where possible. Where a preferred quote is not the least expensive quote provided, this should be indicated by the applicant.
  • A copy of your organisations latest financial statements (accounts) that includes disclosure of financial assistance received from other sources. Funds tagged for specific purposes must be clearly identified. HDC reserves the right to request that an applicant’s financial accounts are reviewed or audited as a condition of any grant awarded.
  •  An up to date bank document that clearly shows an account number and the name of the applicant organisation (or parent body).

Terms and Conditions

1.       A grant recipient must: 

  •  Spend the grant within nine (9) months of a grant request being approved, within the approved time frame specified in the Accountability Reporting and Payments schedule or upon request by HDC (whichever comes first). Payment of any subsequent grants may not be made until all milestone accountability reporting requirements are met in full. 
  • Spend the grant only for the purpose(s) approved by, and subject to any conditions imposed by, the Horowhenua District Council Community Recognition and Funding Committee. 
  • Return to the HDC any portion of the grant that is not spent on the approved purpose(s). If the grant payment includes GST, the grant recipient must also return the GST component of the grant. 
  •  Make any files or records relating to the activity or project available for inspection within 10 working days if requested by HDC. 
  • Keep financial records that demonstrate how the grant was spent for five (5) years after the end of the agreement term. 
  • Acknowledge the receipt of HDC grant as a separate entry in its financial statements, or in a note to its financial statements. 
  • Inform HDC of any changes that affect the organisation’s ability to deliver the activity(ies) or project(s) (e.g. changes to financial situation; an intention to wind-up or cease operations; or any other significant event, or failure to meet child protection standards), before the grant has been fully used. 
  • Agree to notify HDC if any of the grant money is stolen or misappropriated and to consider if Police charges need to be laid. 
  • Agree that HDC have authority to publish that the grant has been made to the grant recipient for the approved purpose. 

2.       During the term of this agreement a grant recipient may request a variation to the purpose, term, or conditions of this agreement. This needs to be requested before any expenditure, failure to do so will be treated as non- compliance with grant terms and conditions. 

3.       A grant must not be spent on any item that falls within the exclusions outlined by HDC. 

4.       Failure to comply with any of the terms and conditions within this agreement, or the provision of false information in the request may result, without limitation, in Horowhenua District Council terminating this agreement and: 

  • Requiring repayment of all or part of the grant. 
  • Withholding payment of this and other HDC administered grants until issues are resolved. 
  • Imposing additional terms and conditions before any HDC funding is approved. 
  • Recommending to the Community Recognition & Funding committee, to decline future funding. 

5.       For the purpose of gaining or providing information relevant to the funding of the organisation, the HDC may disclose to, or obtain information from, any other government department or agency, private person or organisation. 

6.       HDC has the right to transfer any unallocated funds to future funding rounds. 

7.       The HDC is subject to the Official Information Act 1982 and may be required to release information unless there is good reason under the Act to withhold the information.