Fire Restrictions

Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) is responsible for fire control in all urban and rural locations, including:

  • declaring fire seasons
  • issuing fire permits
  • removing fire hazards.

Visit to find out about:

  • fire seasons including the current season in your location
  • how to apply for a permit
  • how to safely light a fire
  • fire types.

If you don't have an internet connection phone 0800 658 628 for assistance.

Fire permits

Visit to apply for a permit and to see the types of fires which have been authorised as not being fires in open air and don't need a permit.

It's an offence if you knowingly or recklessly light, or allow another person to light, a fire in open air in an area that's in a Restricted Fire Season unless under a permit issued by FENZ and in accordance with any conditions of the permit.

Any permits issued during a Restricted Fire Season are suspended if FENZ declares a Prohibited Fire Season, or prohibits fire in open air in the area. If necessary, a permit can be suspended at any time by FENZ.

Fires on the beach

If you want to light a fire on one of our Horowhenua District beaches, you must check with FENZ to see if you need a permit. You can check and apply for a permit at Fire and Emergency New Zealand.

Before you go home:

  • When you’re done, make sure your fire's completely out. Use water to put out the fire and any leftover wood or coals.
  • Break apart the wet wood to help it cool down and stop it catching fire again.
  • Don’t cover the fire with sand as this can keep the embers hot and hidden, which is a danger for people walking barefoot.
  • Always clean up and make sure the area is safe for everyone.

BBQs at the beach

You can bring your portable gas BBQ to the beach, however, be sure to fire up your BBQ responsibly and avoid putting people, property or nature at risk. Check it's alright with these BBQ safety tips from FENZ

Fire hazards

If there's a property in your neighbourhood that you believe is a health or safety hazard because of an unkempt section, you can let FENZ know about your concern by completing their online Fire Hazard Assessment Request or calling 0800 658 628.

FENZ is only able to take action to deal with genuine fire hazards, and not where the property is just unsightly or presents a health hazard.

If you believe the property is a health hazard, please call our Compliance team on 06 366 0999.

Fire safe camping with Cully


Fire emergencies

For all fire emergencies phone 111, and give your name, address, telephone number and rural number (if applicable).

Fire regulations

Under the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2017, the cost of fighting a fire in an urban area by the Fire Service is mostly funded by a fire levy on building insurance, but the rules in rural areas are different.

Landowners can contact FENZ on 0800 658 628 for more information.